Chapter Fifty-One

Start from the beginning

"W-Wi-Wife ?", gulped Izuku. His then realized lady luck was just playing an evil game with him."Me and Ochaco aren't married...yet."

"Yet huh, so then do you have a-"

"Kirishima is that you !", giddily squealed Ochaco. The red-haired man took a step to the side and laughed as Ochaco extended a hand towards the man. Deku watched in shock as the two executed a complicated handshake.

Izuku looked at his girlfriend and scratched the side of his head."Wh-When did you two learn to do that ?"

She laughed at her husband,"He's my rock buddy."

Eijiro pointed to himself and proclaimed,"Yeah, I'm her rocky buddy !"

"Will you two please shut the fuck up ! What hell even is a rocky buddy, that's something a kindergartner would say ?"

Eijiro covered half of his face and explained,"Bakugo can get a little cranky with stuff like this. I made his gel his hair, and he flipped out. Dressing up really pushes his buttons."

Ochaco looked at Kirishima and pointed to Katsuki."He's wearing a tuxedo t-shirt you can get from a dollar store, how is that dressing up ?"

Izuku couldn't help himself and looked in the direction of his longtime friend. The fiery blond stood with a scowl as his hands were tucked into the pockets of his black slacks and his t-shirt was tucked into his pants."W-Why didn't he wear and actual suit, he owns one right ?"

Eijiro laughed at him,"Not a chance, but I was able to strike a deal with him. He said that he'd gel his hair down if he didn't have to dress, so I took what I could get."


Ko nervously sat at the kitchen table and watched as Inko carried a hot pan of freshly baked cookies onto it. She placed them carefully on the surface and warned,"There hot don't touch, especially you Miki I know how you can be."

The short girl pulled a chair back and muttered as she sat down in it,"I won't." Miki looked at Ko with her dark blue eyes and smiled as she gave the boy a wave. He looked away from her and tried to focus on anything else. The little girl frowned and waved her feet that hung off of the chair and did not reach the floor. She turned her head as Inko brought tubes filled with the icing they made and placed them on the table.

"Try not to make a mess."

"We won't, " giggled Miki. The girl grabbed one of the round cookies from the pan and placed it on the plate in front of her. She then reached for the many tubes of icing and began to create her own masterpiece. A wide smile spread across her young face as she looked at the cookie on her plate."Pssst," whispered the girl across the table. Ko turned and looked at her with confusion flooding his eyes. Miki stretched out her body and slid the plate with her cookie on it across the table. At first Ko did not take the plate, instead he only stared at it. He looked at the crazy yellow doodles at the top of the cookie, the two blue dots in the middle, and a black line that made a frowny face at the bottom.

"I-Is this suppose to be me ?"

Miki nodded her head."Uh huh. Is it good ?"


Ko continued to stare at the cookie before reaching for a blank one resting on the pan and placing it on his empty plate. He then reached for the icings like Miki did and tried his best to recreate her. The boy then slid his creation across the table and to the little girl. Miki took the plate and let out a faint giggle. The cookie looked nothing like her, and the only clues that told her what it was supposed to be was the round circles that were meant to be her glasses and the dots that mirrored her own freckles. The little girl picked up the treat and took a bite of it. She chirped with a full mouth,"It's delicious !"


Izuku and Ochaco had spent the past two hours jumping from person to person and talking with each one. The conversation widely varied, but the two were not prepared for the one that lied ahead of them."Midoriya !"

Izuku and Ochaco stopped as a tall man hurried towards them. Iida's thick glasses nearly fell of his strong nose as he approached them and the pair laughed at his unusually hectic hair. The man straightened his spectacles with a single finger and pulled the coat of his suit to straighten it."I am disappointed it took me so long to find you two, but I am more than grateful I managed to find some time."

Ochaco held tightly onto Izuku's arm as she talked to Tenya."It's always awesome to see you too."

Iida looked at his former classmate then back at Ochaco's stomach. He leaned forward and studied the woman's large belly. The man cleared his throat as he stood up and gave Deku a congratulatory smile."I am ecstatic to see you two have decided to take each other's hand in marriage."

Izuku and Ochaco fumbled with their words simultaneously."We-I-He-sh-We're not married !"

Iida placed a hand on his prominent chin and began to stroke it curiously. His eyes gazed at Izuku's ring finger and saw no sign of a ring. Tenya then asked the woman holding onto Midoryia ,"You are pregnant, are you not Uraraka ?"

"Yes, but I don't see what that has to do with me and Izuku being married ?"

Deku whispered under his breath,"Oh no."

Tenya raised his hand and began to swing it through the air like it was he was a robot with the action etched into his code." Why it has to do with everything ! " The man looked at Izuku and began to lecture him."It is not heroic to have unsafe sex out of wedlock Midoriya, you should no that. A man must first propose to a woman before planting a seed. Do you not remember the Sex Ed video with All Might about how to properly avoid such an incident ? "

Ochaco could not contain her laughs and the bright red flush that was taking over Izuku's face only made it more difficult for her to stay straight faced. She was use to Izuku becoming flustered easily, that was one of the many things she loved about him, but this was the worst she had ever seen him. The freckled faced man was able to somehow utter through his embarrassment,"Iida, i-is this really necessary ?"

"Of course it is, what if Uraraka is pregnant with quintuplets because you were unsafe ! That could be quite the hassle for just the two of you."

Eijiro was walking by in that moment and raised his hand as he shouted,"Then I'll take one !"

Iida wave his hand at the spiky-haired man."Ignore him Midoriya and take my suggestion. My brother has started to work with condom companies since he can't do hero work anymore, and it is quite honorable if I must say. Maybe on the way home today you should stop by a pharmacy and pick up an Impenetrable Ingenium, they work perfectly." Izuku had reached his limit and fell over at the mention of an Ingenium shield. "Actually you know what, I will have my brother mail you a box full of them just in case you two get frisky."

Ochaco continued to hold onto Izuku's arm as she helped the dazed man to his feet."You know what Tenya ? I think we're good, but we do appreciate the thought."

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