Chapter 6

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The reality of Chapter 1

The strong October window burst through Taehyung window in his room howling and spitting cold snowy air everywhere in the room. Taehyung shivered as he got out of bed to shut the window and hatch it down. Taehyung sat on his bed as he couldn't bother going back to sleep tonight he had refused to take his insomnia medication and his nurse couldn't bother forcing in down his throat after what happened to his previous nurse. Taehyung backed on his room door the sounds echoed down the white hall of the mental hospital disturbing everyone sleeping that night all of a sudden people rose from their slumber and banging on the doors as well. Five nurses and two buff male nurses came running down the hall to Taehyung's room, but there was no banging from his door one of the nurses carefully unlocked the door everyone piled inside of Taehyung's room there was no sign of him, but his window was wide open one of the male nurses grabbed a walkie talkie out of his pocket
"We have a 942 Suspect Kim Taehyung escaping to the east side." the alarms didn't sound off they knew how smart Taehyung was even with his mental state that makes me ten times more dangerous. Taehyung hid behind the open door watching them one of the male nurses strained away from the group searching the room he saw a glimpse of something behind door all of a sudden Taehyung swung the door that smashed him in the head he fell to the groul unconscious
"False alarm! He is end the building se-" before the man could finish his sentence Taehyung pounced at him scratching and biting him. He seemed like a savage beast that would never stop one of the female nurses were brave enough to stick Taehyung with a tranquilizer then they tied him to the bed and left the room to go to the ER. The next day Taehyung's dad visited the head master's office located inside of the facility he sat down in the chair
"Do you think it is possibly for him to be on release for christmas?" His dad asked the head masters sighed as he closed Taehyung's file then he took his glasses off
"Your son is not suitable to leave now. He is unstable." The head master said
"Excuse me? What happened to  'Just let him medicate then he'll be ready to go by christmas'?!" Taehyung's dad exclaimed as he stood up out of his seat
"Well that's what I thought until yesterday night when he caused a disruption and nearly killed two of my nurses." The headmaster said slamming his hands down on the desk
"What happened to getting him medicated?! Huh? So he could actually see his family once in a wild?" Taehyung's dad asked adjusting the glasses on his face
"Sir. Kim Taehyung is a danger to society. Last time someone tried to medicate him he tore her face to shreds. Now please leave my office and don't dare come back." The headmaster snapped Taehyung's dad walked out of the headmaster's office careful not to cause a scene.

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