Chapter 3 My Hero

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Taehyung stared at all his figures smashed on the ground the stranger smashed the wooden bookcase with a crowbar from his bag the piece of wood flew into the air Taehyung could feel his heart smashing into a million pieces as he listened to all his precious items being demolished
"Someone help me please." Taehyung muttered repeatedly under his breath
The stranger paused in the  middle of his swing and turned his head to Taehyung
"Would you shut the hell up you pathetic idiot!" The stranger screamed in annoyance walking up to Taehyung holding his crowbar up then bring it down with brute force toward Taehyung's knee cap suddenly the stranger's wrist was grabbed the crow bar inches away from Taehyung's knee cap
"You have five seconds to get your buddies and leave this house right now." The man said pushing the man back
The stranger chuckled "You must have a death wish boy." He swung his crowbar at the man's head a loud ring echoed through the house as the crowbar slammed into the man's hand. He gripped the crowbar tightly
"Time is up." The man smirked as he folded the crowbar back with one hand Taehyung looked up at his saviour, it was Jungkook. The stranger threw the crowbar aside then he put his fist up ready to face Jungkook himself over Jungkook's shoulder the stranger noticed his accomplices around the corner he nodded his head slight for assistance suddenly the stranger charged at Jungkook attempting to knock him down but he stood like a cinder block
Jungkook chuckled as he grabbed the stranger by his arms and began to spin around Jungkook went faster and faster gust of wind filled the room as he spun until he stopped and released the stranger who went flying out of the window Jungkook put his fist on his hips then he looked over his shoulders
"Would you two like to be next?" Jungkook asked the two accomplices tripped over themselves as they scurried out of the door leaving all the stuff they were about to steal behind. Jungkook walked over to Taehyung and untied him
"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked looking up at Taehyung with a look of concern he didn't answer once he was untied he pushed Jungkook away
"Get out of my house." Taehyung said as he walked away
"Taehyung!" Jungkook said his voice booming through the house Taehyung stopped in his tracks then he turned around
"I told you to get out. I don't want to see you anymore!" Taehyung yelled
"I can't leave Tae. You know this. I don't want you getting hurt." Jungkook said softly pulling his black mask down stepping closer to Taehyung
"There is nothing you can do for me Jungkook. You already ruined everything. What else do you want to take from me?" Taehyung asked
"Taehyung. . ." Jungkook said
"No! Don't "Taehyung" me! You know what you've done and you insist on showing your face to me after I've told you multiple times I'd rather not see such a disgrace of a hero or so you'd like to call yourself." Taehyung snapped as he walked up the stairs Jungkook fell to his knees
"I'm sorry I couldn't save her Taehyung. It's just..." Jungkook trailed off unable to find other things to say
"You could have saved her!!! You just didn't! My mom would still be alive if you weren't trying to play the hero all the time Jungkook. I see why you only saved me it's because you hate me and you want me to suffer for the rest of my life in this hell hole." Taehyung cried as he ran up the stairs Jungkook couldn't help but follow
"I told you to leave Jungkook!" Taehyung yelled as he ran into his room and threw himself on his bed Jungkook stood in the door way
"I'm sorry I could save her." Jungkook said he kneeled down and placed his hands on the floor his eyes turned completely white and his finger seeped through the floor all of the broken things in Taehyung house were mending back to normal. After everything in Taehyung's house was fixed Jungkook got up from the floor and walked out the front door and flew off into the night.

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