Chapter 4 Flashback

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Fifteen year old Taehyung sat at the kitchen table eating cereal late at night after his mom fell asleep or so he thought
"Kim Taehyung!" His mom yelled come into the kitchen Taehyung chugged the sweet milk and cereal bits in the bowl
"Kim Taehyung come here right this instant!" His mom yelled she had a tight grip on the belt Taehyung stood on the other side of the kitchen
"No mom! I'm sorry I won't do it again." Taehyung said nervously his mom stepped closer to him and Taehyung stepped away from his mom there was no where to run
"Mom d-did you take your medicine?" Taehyung asked as his mom came closer Taehyung backed up into a corner
"What do you care?!" She yelled waving the belt in the air as she came closer to Taehyung
"This is for your own good. You know you're not suppose to have sugar late at night." She said through gritted teeth as she lashed the belt at Taehyung with brute force he covered himself with his arms every hit slashing at his arms
"M-Mom please..." Taehyung cried his continued beating him until she was out of breath Taehyung moved his arms down looking up at her she stood looking away from him all of a sudden she hit him again in the face with the belt Taehyung grabbed his face weeping in pain
"Go to bed." She said throwing the belt down on the kitchen floor and walking back to her room Taehyung laid on the floor aching and crying he could barely move without feeling every ounce of red, hot stinging pain from the leather belt. Taehyung got off of the floor and walked to his room then he laid in his bed the coolness of his sheet and blanket soaked his whelps
"Where were you?" Taehyung asked as he turned over looking at the dark corner of his room
Jungkook stepped out of the dark dressed in his all black hero outfit
"You told me to never jump in when your mom gets like that, so I didn't." Jungkook said
Taehyung cried
"It hurts so bad Jungkook." Jungkook came and sat by Taehyung's bedside he pulled the blanket back to reveal the whelps all over Taehyung arms
"I will try to ease your pain as much as I can Taehyung." Jungkook said he held Taehyung's left hand while his over hand hovered over Taehyung's left arm water came out of the palm of Jungkook's hand it flowed over Taehyung's arm. After he tended to that arm he then tended to the other then his face
"If she hurts you like this again I won't hesitate to r-"
"No! You can't! Y-You know how she is when she is off her medicine. Don't touch my mother please. She is all that I have left." Taehyung pleaded Jungkook didn't respond all that Taehyung could hear was the creaking of his window and gust of wind flying through the window making his paper thin drapes fly all over. The next day Taehyung had taken a long walk to the pharmacy to get a refill on his mother's medication that she flushed down the toilet yesterday afternoon. Taehyung walked inside of his house the lights had been cut off everything was dark except for few lit candles around the house "Taehyung! Did you mail off the light bill?!" His mom screamed from the living Taehyung threw the pharmacy bag down unaware of the candle lit next to him on the floor he ran to his room mom chased him. Taehyung slammed his roon door shut and barricaded the door with his dresser. He panted as he sat against his window black smog seeped through Taehyung's door
"M-Mom!" He yelled as he pushed his dresser over opening his door flames roared all throughout the kitchen
"Mom!" Taehyung yelled he stepped out of his room to see his mom caught in a ring of fire in the living room all of a sudden something came crashing through Taehyung's window, it was Jungkook,
"We have to leave now!" Jungkook said grabbing Taehyung's wrist
"No! I can't leave my mom!" Taehyung yelled
"There is no time." Jungkook said as he dragged Taehyung away from the blazing fire that crept toward his room
"Mom!" Taehyung screamed and cried as Jungkook held him tightly then he shielded Taehyung with his entire body as they exited through the hole in the wall there was an explosion that threw them across the yard. Taehyung broke away from Jungkook's grip and ran toward the burning house he sat on his knees watching it burn crying. Jungkook was severely burned in his back from the explosion he crawled over to Taehyung and laid beside him
"I'm sorry. I wish I-"
"You could have saved her!! How could you let her die in there?! This is what you wanted huh?" Taehyung exclaimed
"This is the last thing that I would have wanted to happen to you." Jungkook said softly
"Just leave me alone." Taehyung said
"Please Taehyung I-"
"I said go! Leave me alone! This is all your fault Jungkook!" Taehyung yelled Jungkook sighed as he got up from the ground his back was still singed from the explosion he flew off into the cloudy sky.

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