07 - Underlined In Red

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Body Double

07 - Underlined In Red

"It's not the only one."

. . .

A pen idly tapping against the white lined page in front of him, Ryan couldn't focus on his studies. Too many things were swirling around his mind after the past couple of days. His phone set only a few inches from his notebook. It kept lighting up with every message he had gotten. Another distraction that he didn't need if he wanted to get his work done.

Scribbling away a few more words only for his attention to getting snapped back to his ringing phone. Dakota's name flashing up on the screen. Not someone who he would have expected to call him ever again.

"What could this be about?" he grumbled before his thumb hits the answer button "hello?" he rubbed his face making the word mumbled.

"You finally picked up thank god," Dakota groaned from the other end of the phone. Something about her tone already caused Ryan to straighten in his seat.

"Well, having someone you never thought would call, calls you makes you want to know why," he stated fighting back the strong urge to roll his eyes while speaking to her. 

The sound of a locker shutting came through the phone "haha, can I get to my point?"

Ryan shrugged his shoulders while running his eyes over the other students doing work around him "maybe, though I am greatly enjoying this conversation," he replied sarcastically. 

"Did you see Chuck's last post?"

"Do you really think I would?"

There was an uncomfortable pause before her hushed words informed him of what happened "he did it again, he gave Veronica a sticky maple,"

A sticky maple, just hearing those two words made Ryan's stomach tighten with disgust. But he wasn't surprised, he shouldn't be any way this was just typical of him to do such a thing.

"Of course he would," he hissed his words. This earned him a few glares from his fellow student who didn't like that fact he was speaking so loudly. 

"And now Betty is trying to get others to come forward about the playbook,"

"Are you thinking of coming forward?" Ryan questioned getting up from his seat. He was pretty sure the creak from the wood could be heard on her end of the call but he didn't feel the need to apology. Slipping through the doorway getting into the hallway he finally hears an answer.


"Alright but I should get finished on my work call you later okay?" Ryan asked holding back a sigh of relief of hearing the answer he wanted. He was silently praying she wouldn't go to them.

"See you later," she hung up shortly afterwards.

As if right on queue Chuck's voice carries down the hallway while he walked towards Ryan speaking with his friends. He paid no attention towards him luckily since he was too busy gloating about his newest conquest.

For the briefest of moments, Ryan could swear their eyes met. His hand tightened around his phone. No one would believe him if he told them in that split second Chuck Clayton, the egotist player looked just like Jason. It was almost sickening.

Then the thought occurred to him. How many times had he simply ignored the behaviour of his so-called best friend? how many girls might have gotten hurt because of his inaction?

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