03 - Dateless

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The River's Edge
03 - Dateless

"Beautiful girl leaving the party before it's over? Just need to leave a shoe and it could be a start of a Cinderella story,"

As the last rays of sunlight disappeared turning the first day back into the first night back. Ryan stood in his room dressed and ready to go. He was probably taking the semi in semi-formal far too seriously as he looked himself in the mirror. Jeans, sneakers and t-shirt only thing remotely formal was the fact he was wearing a blazer over the top of his shirt.

But that's not why he stood to stare at himself in the mirror. Not because he was being vain and just wanted to admire his appearance. Because he felt dread fill his mind at the smallest sight of the black eye he had. It brought back some rather unpleasant memories he rather not relive.

Letting out a sigh as he smoothed down his shirt when there was a knock on his room door. Richard pushed the door open slowly as he peered into his son's room "you want me to give you a lift to the dance?" He offered up.

"No I think I can walk I kind of need the time to clear my head," Ryan replied. His gaze didn't tear away from the mirror. Which wasn't a lie he did want to clear his head but he also didn't want to show up dateless and being dropped off by his father.

The smile on Richards' lips falters. "Well, just be careful ok? You haven't had the best of luck it seems," he playfully said after clearing his throat using his hand to cover his mouth. 

"I know" he was quick to say. After a long pause he looked away from his reflection towards his father "I might be home late so," he faked a smile. It was enough to relax Richard which is all he needed it to do.

With a roll of his eyes and a chuckle, Richard shook his head as he got what his son meant pretty quickly for once. "Don't stay up got it," he playfully mocked Ryan's voice.

Sometimes it was hard to believe that he was the father out of the two of them, by the way, he behaved. Ryan might not admit it often but he liked it that way. Having a father who could be childish as much as he could be seriously made living with him much less stressful. Given their living arrangements that were a good thing.

"I'm going to head to Pop's so I'll see you later," Richard said goodbye as he left the room. Just giving his father a wave Ryan let out the breath he found himself holding.

There was just more thing Ryan wanted to do before he left. Opening up the drawer of his dresser he rummages through it in search of something. His fingertips gently brush against a soft felt box. This was exactly what he was looking for. Keeping his hand wrapped tightly around the small box he shoved it into his blazer pocket. He was planning on returning it to its rightful owner or at least someone who would treasure it more. Cheryl.

. . .

Before Ryan eve reached the bottom of the steps which lead up lead up the school he could hear the faint beat of the music playing. The windows were filled with flickering colourful lights. Students stood around the entrance meeting with dates or friends before making their way inside. Ryan glanced around spotting a familiar face as she stepped out of a car. Dakota was wearing a purple dress which she looked stunning in. Her normally wavy hair she got straightened which made her look like a different person. Well almost.

He was pretty sure that he wasn't the only guy who found themselves staring at her. Though to Ryan, it was more of a surprise than anything. The girl he knew before the summer wouldn't have been caught dead dressing up for one dance.

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