04 - Red and White

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Touch Of Evil
04 - Red and white

"Hashtag crazy red more like it,"

A heavy piece of metal weighed down Ryan's hands. His fingers delicately wrap around the handle. The blur of a voice rang around his head. It was unrecognisable but the sound was familiar as the voice of a family member who was no longer around coming back. His eyes dart around the darkness which surrounded him. Engulfing him. 

A faded light slowly shatters it allowing him to see where he was thrown into. Trees stood against a green grassy backdrop. Clearly, he was standing in the middle of some forest but he hadn't the faintest clue why. The object still clutched tightly in his hand shortly after came into view.

Outstretched in front of him was a gun.

In a panic, Ryan tried to throw the gun away from him. But it was no use his arms didn't respond to his command. Instead, they moved of their own accord. Slowly rising to eye level the gun was pointed towards a few bottles that sat along a fallen log. Nothing sinister about that. His finger squeezed the trigger causing a gunshot to ring out.

The sound was loud enough it nearly caused Ryan to physically recoil. Another shot rings out as he closed his eyes tightly trying to get used to the sound. Finally used to the gunshots he opened his eyes as one last bullet escaped the barrel of the gun. There wasn't the sound of glass shattering at the end.

His brown eyes lock onto the random bit of white that was slowly turning red as blood seeps through. It wasn't just the colour white it was a buttoned-up shirt which looked familiar. Standing at the other end of the gun was Jason. The ginger did nothing to stop the bleed just stood there smiling as if nothing had happened.

"I'll kill you," the blurred voice whispered beginning to become clear. It wasn't a familiar stranger's voice but his own voice. "I'll kill you!" It screamed louder. A flutter of blackbirds shot up from a nearby tree as if they heard the screams too. Startled he stumbled backwards falling back into the darkness.

Ryan jolted wake his body covered in a cold sweat. His breathing was quick as he tried to calm himself. Closing his eyes tightly he rubbed his face "just a dream..." He softly mutters. The news of Jason's body being found had begun to seep into all corners of his subconscious. Now that his disappearances had become a murder people no longer felt safe in their own homes. Ryan was one of them.

Click. The light in the hallway turns on meaning that Richard was up. Footsteps approached Ryan's bedroom door. Quietly the door opens as his dad peered into the room "everything Ok?" He softly asked. 

Light bleeds into the room causing Ryan to squint as he looked in his father's direction. "Yea just a bad dream..." His words mumbled in a sleepy tone.

Carefully walking into the room he stopped short of the foot of the bed. A frown of concern forms on his lips "This to do with Jason being found?" He inquired though that answer was obvious.

Shifting slightly Ryan sat up in his bed bringing his knees closer to his chest "He was murdered, dad." 

"I know..." Richard quietly muttered. It was an odd sight for him that Ryan actually showing that he was distraught. Gently he sat down on his son's bed causing it to dip with his weight "and you have every right to be scared or confused about it but you're okay you're safe here," he tried to comfort him with his words.

Ryan shook his head turning to look at his father "It's not that, just who would kill him?" The words were laced with a fierce detriment which also flickered in his eyes. He wanted to know who did it or at least appear so instead of the scared child he actually was.

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