Chapter 1

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Friday morning, the sun has yet to rise. I hear the annoyingly familiar sound of my alarm clock. As I struggle to open my eyes, I feel the late night I had sneak up on me. For some time, I just lay there, listening to the new day wake up. I look around me, my room is empty. The unfamiliarity floods my eyes. My alarm rings again, this time I am wide awake. I feel the adrenaline flood into my veins, my brain prepares itself for the life changing events that will happen today. As I sit there, on my bed I look around. Bookshelves missing their books, my closet missing most of my clothes, but most importantly, my room looking like a stranger. I feel as though it was naked without my huge book collection, without the closet door filled with little mementos. I feel like a stranger in my childhood room. After taking in my room, I take a quick shower. A weird sensation hits me along with the hot water. Slowly but surely the day awakens, light shines into the house and life is brought back to the Thompson household. I hear my mom hassling the rest of my family to wake up. Soon after I hear the loud music blare from my brothers room and the silent curses of my sister as she runs up and down the hallway.

As I exit my room, I greet my siblings. My brother nodding in my direction, my sister however, to stressed to even hear me, rushes down stairs in search of her lucky basket ball. Walking down the stairs I am hit with the scent of my fathers famous pancakes with a mixture of bacon. As I take in the sight of the sun creeping into the kitchen and the sound of the radio, I see my father dance. This is my favorite time of day, year even. This time I am even apart of the festivities. I hear my sister shout something, directed at my mom, asking where something is. Soon after I see my mother come from the living room, shaking her head with a tape roller in her hand. I hear her shout something similar to "I found it".

I lean against the doorframe after letting my mother pass. I don't say anything, I simply enjoy the view of my father cooking and dancing. Occasionally singing along. My Father turns to get something only to be shocked by my presence.

"Elena, sweetie, you scared me," my father says, slowly reaching for some more bacon.

"A good morning to you too." I say with sarcasm in my voice and a slight smile on my face. I hear my father chuckle.

"Good morning sweetie," I hear him say as he starts a new pancake, "so, are you excited for move in day?"

"More than," I hear a long loud sigh come from upstairs, I assume my siblings need to do some last minute packing. The sigh earns a chuckle from both my father and I. "You know, I was really scared that I was going to be like Tess today, but I can't see her problem though. All of this is easy as a piece of cake."

"That is because you have been packing for a week now, Tessa started four days after you." I live by routine, thrive even. I don't like the unexpected, never have. My father and I are very similar that and many more senses.

"Well, I'm assuming you have nothing better to do than to help, so you can be in charge of the table?" The Thompson household my seem chaotic to the naked eye, however everyone knows the unwritten schedule. My father makes breakfast, I set the table, my sister and mother run frantically around the house and my brother annoys everyone. My sister decided to stay longer at home before going back to her apartment at UCLA, my brother and I however still live at the given dorms.


After a long breakfast we are all bidding my sister farewell and she is off to her last day of her first day of college. Ironic right? Her last first day of school and my first day of college.

"Elena, promise me one thing, and one thing only," she looks at me with a serious look in her eyes. I feel the tears yearn to leave my eyes, however continue the fight. Saying goodbye to both my brother and sister is hard. We aren't like most families, we are all tight and sending her off to the other side of America is never easy, at least I can still surprise visit my brother from Dartmouth. I decide a nod is the easiest.

"Promise me, you'll live a little? You made it into Dartmouth, now that you have what you always wanted, try something new. Be young?" I can tell this means a lot to her. She was always the more out going type, whereas I am your typical type A person. Order, routine, studying, homework is my daily life. Tessa is your, not so typical, type B. Although she is outgoing and always on the move, she still finds time to get her work done. I envy her sometimes that she can be so fun. Tessa is the life of the party. She always tries to get me out of my tiny comfort bubble. I look down and actually think. Can I make her that promise? What if I fail? I decide against my gut and nod.

"I'll try." I say quietly. As I look into my sisters eyes, I see relive and joy fill her eyes, as though she knows what my future holds for me. That is another one of my sisters talents. She knows things before they happen. Not like a psychic. She knows wether or not something good or bad will happen. She always told me about her gut telling her what to do. I usually made fun of her for it, but right now, for some weird reason, I had that exact gut feeling she always described. And it felt strange to say the least.

Authors note:

Sooooo...? What do you think so far? Let me know in the comments our by voting?! I am still writing so if you have any ideas, don't hesitate to write them in the comments! 

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