Nothing Without Courage

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"Good morning, Gaius." I greet, entering Merlin's chambers.

"Good morning, sire." He says. "Merlin is expecting you."

I march into his chambers. "Hey, Merlin. How are you feeling?"

He shrugs. "I'm okay."

"Merlin..." I question.

"I feel like I'm dying, Arthur." He snaps. "I'm dying and I'm trying not to be scared, but I am. I'm scared of what's going to happen to you when I'm gone. I'm scared, not that I'll die, but for you, Arthur."

"Merlin, you needn't worry because that won't happen." I cup his cheek in my hand. "You're not going anywhere, Love."

"Arthur, surely Gaius has told you. You can feel it as well as I." Merlin protests.

"I love you." I argue. "And I have faith."

He doesn't respond, just kisses me. "I love you too, clotpole."

"Sire, I must ask you to leave. I must attend to my ward." Gaius interrupts.

"Gaius..." Merlin warns, instantly confusing me.

"What's going on??" I demand.

"Come with me, Arthur." Gaius orders. I'm not used to being bossed around, but something in his voice compels me to follow him.

"Gaius... what's wrong?" I quickly ask, begging him silently not to say what I think he's going to.

"Sire, the day has come. We are out of time." He glumly states.

"No, this isn't correct." I dismiss. "You are wrong."

"Sire, there's nothing more I can do. There is nothing more anyone but Merlin can do."

"No." I refuse. "This is not going to happen. There must be something, anything. What can I do to help?"

"Arthur. Just do what you can to help. Please allow me a moment."

He goes in and does some doctor-y thing that I don't pretend to understand.

"Well?" I bossily demand.

"My previous diagnosis was correct, there's a greenish tint to his veins, a magic poison of sorts. When it reaches his heart..."

"What can I do? There must be something."

"Just be there, if anyone can fight the enchantment, it's Merlin, but only with you beside him." Gaius advises. "After all, Magic is nothing without Courage behind him."

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