Chapter One

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Fake smile - Ariana Grande
Toxic - Britney Spears 

The tears never really stopped coming. For me, for this poor girl, I was writing about. I was so tired of smiling, and I was glad I was about to put this girl to sleep. I finished up the sentence I was on and let her eyes drop by themselves before setting down my quill on the parchment paper and rolling my neck around, getting out a few satisfying pops. I couldn't think of anything more to write for her, anyway. I was tried, and I know that I needed to wake her up early, but I felt that I myself, deserved a little bit of rest.

I went to visit the Sword of Sanctuary. It was my night too, after all. I greeted the guards with a subtle nod and they let the doors slide open for me. I wandered in, following the winding stairs ten flights up all the way to my destination.

I tugged my white robe lose. I was wearing a corset underneath and the golden crescent crown that I wore on my head was a weight that made my back sore and my shoulders sag. People down in the city of Ninjago made the Cloud Kingdom feel like a paradise. They praised it, wished they lived in a place like this, and I'll give it to them. I was lucky to live here, the sunrise and sunset were pretty and the people here were nice, but there was a darker side to this place. It was run like a boot camp, and there was never ever a time to have fun. A few years before I was born, kids who were six years old were doing what I was doing. But now only people aged sixteen and up could write lives and watch of the Sword of Sanctuary.

I was turning seventeen in a few months. We didn't even celebrate birthdays, we didn't give presents when holidays rolled around. We didn't celebrate holidays because we were too busy writing the lives of people who did.

I dug my nails into my palms. My parents had raised me like a soldier girl. There was close to no fun here unless you called bingo fun. On the outside, I was a girl with a fake smile and a too-straight back. On the inside, I was a girl who wanted reckless adventures with no one or someone. It didn't matter. My life was boring. My life was mundane and tiring and repetitive.

It was the same thing.

Wake up.






Write some more.





I was tired of everything. Nothing interesting ever happened. I mean, did I even have a soulmate to wander these boring-ass clouds with-?

"HEY!" When I had reached the top of the tower, I found someone standing with the Sword of Sanctuary gripped tightly in one gloved hand. "Put that down!"

The man looked at me and chuckled, squinting. "Sorry sweetheart. Maybe another time." His voice was low and husky, and it brought a sense of fear and excitement surging through my veins.

"NO!" I yelled. It was my job to protect the sword, whether it was a full-time job or not, I was in deep shit if it wasn't here. I could be kicked out of the Cloud Kingdom, for crying out loud. The man was wearing a green gi with a black hood obscuring his features except for his piercing green eyes.

My eyes grew wide with a terror of him and what my punishment would be if I let him get away with this. I raced after him, out the window and onto the roof. I stopped on the tiles, slipping a bit. I had never been scared of heights, but this weird little mission of mine made me terrified.

He was getting away. I knew I probably should have done something a little less stupid, but what other choice did I have? He landed on a ship, so I had to jump. And, being the stupid girl I was, I jumped, too.

The wind blew my h/c hair and I felt the strands violently whipping against my face. I gasped as I landed feet first on the wooden planks. The man glanced at the sword and easily dodged my attacks. I didn't expect him to be caught off guard by any of my skills, I only had the basic training and just started more complicated lessons as one of the protectors of the Sword of Sanctuary, as did everyone else.

I landed on punch on his shoulder, and he grunted, letting the impact draw him backward and pull me forwards. He let me drop to my knees. The planks groaned underneath my weight. I felt one of his feet press down on my back, pushing me to the floor.

I groaned in pain, clenching my teeth together and forcing myself to get back up. When I was back on my feet, he was already jumping out of the window and onto a boat. I gasped, huffing out a few tired breaths before chasing after him. I leaped out the window following him close behind, just a few yards away. He landed on a boat, kicking the man driving it off.

I gaped at him and lunged forwards, ignoring the people crying out from beneath me. I jumped onto the same boat as him, ready for a fight and to give him my all. I put my hands up, taking in a deep breath. All he did was laugh.

"You sure you wanna fight, little girl?" He mocked.

I composed myself, not letting his petty words get to me. I controlled my emotions and got ready for a blow. "Yes," I grinned, "I am sure."

He snorted arrogantly. "Well, I don't expect a challenge here." He laughed and jumped towards me, landing a punch in my shoulder. I grunted and fell back, gasping for some air.

The man stood above me, the sword gripped tightly in one hand. His eyes crinkled at the edges. A smile. He was smiling. My heart pounded so hard in my chest that I felt it would burst open my ribcage and blood would splatter everywhere. He cackled wickedly and placed a foot on my chest.

"Nice try, pretty lady," he laughed and kicked me in the face, knocking me unconscious.

I hate you, I love you - Morro x Female readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora