Chapter Six

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Training Wheels - Melanie Martinez 

An hour. I had spent an hour slamming my shoulder into the door. I was drenched in sweat. I had never been exposed to something that required much physical effort. In the Cloud Kingdom, things like that didn't matter. 

I collapsed from exhaustion, neglected. 

That man - Ronin - obviously wasn't going to be on my side. He'd passed by the door once, whistling through dry lips and said simply, "Don't try too hard, sweetheart." 

I'd screamed my chest out at him for the next three minutes. I called him every name I could think of. Misogynist. Stupid. Greedy. Going-to-be-alone-forever-because-you-suck. (Maybe that was eight, but it doesn't matter.) 

Ronin had only chuckled dryly in response before pacing away, the squeak of his chair signaling he had swung his legs up onto his desk. 

Despite my tired state, my hands shook with anger. This wasn't happening. Not really. Whoever was writing my story - well, nobody was. Nobody I could think of. Someone had to be writing something. Anything. 

I had clung onto hope for the first month, but after nothing happened, and I was left there with nothing but a drunk to keep me company from time to time, I really believed that the Cloud Kingdom didn't care about their princess. 

- - - 

After the second month in Ronin's custody, I'd completely forgotten about Morro until one day he came to get me. The horrifyingly familiar wisps of green hovering around his feet greeted me from under the metal door. 

I felt sick to my stomach as soon as the door creaked open, revealing the wicked, enchanting smile I had forgotten so well. The only thing that had kept me sane while in isolation were the sad scenarios my mind conjured up. I daydreamed or just dreamed about the kingdom finding me again, perhaps even missing me somehow. 

Everything that could've meant something to me became a dream I could never grasp. 

Then came Morro. His cruel face and green-streaked hair. I could tell it was him, although he looked nothing like he did when I met him. Back then, his hair was shorter and black, his skin only tinted green. Now his skin was a deeper green, his hair falling to his neck and the markings surrounding his eyes were darker - more prominent. Not to mention he dressed completely different, too. Morro was a different person, but Morro was still himself. 

Still the same person I hated just as much as I did when he brought me here just to be neglected. 

Ronin was gone most of the time, and I was allowed to wander around Stiix, but I refused to. If I was being honest with myself, I would be tempted to run away if I ever left, and knowing me I would just get lost somewhere and panic and die from starvation. 

"Hey there, Princess," he charmed. 

I glared. "Stop calling me that. My name is Y/n." 

"Alright." He shrugged. "Damn, you look horrible, Y/n." His voice made me shiver. Whether the good way or the bad way, I couldn't tell. I hoped it was the bad way. 

"You're the one who left me here for so long. You're the one who dropped me off here and-" 

He waved a hand. "You stink, too." Morro gave me a nonchalant smile, quirking an eyebrow up. I knew he didn't mean it, but it still offended me to no end. 

"What do you want." I demanded it. I wasn't going to put up with him anymore. Not that I have for very long, but he was still being a complete nuisance. 

"I need your help. If I told you that there was a way to get you back to your dumb kingdom, would you help me?" 

"Excuse me? Why would I ever do anything to help you? You're a criminal and you wrecked everything. You ruined me." 

"Only in the best ways." 

My nose scrunched. "Shut up. You're insufferable. I don't want to work with you. Period."

"Of course you do, darling. Because working with me is your only way back home." 

I let out a frustrated huff, curling my legs to my chest like an angry toddler. "You don't get it. I can't just work with someone who threw me away. Not that you ever mattered to me, nor your opinion, but I was tossed to the side by everyone. So it'd be silly of me not to live my life for myself, now." 

"And you're going to do that by sulking in a corner? Face it, Y/n-"

"Don't call me that." 

Morro only smirked. "Face it, princess. You need me just as much as I need you, and you know deep down that the only way of having a normal life again is through  working with me. Either way, I'll still find a way to get what I want." 

I stood, angrily balling my fists at my sides. "I don't need you. And I will never need you. The closest it'll ever come to that is me using you. I hate you, and so does everyone else up there. The Cloud Kingdom? They're not looking for me. They're not writing me anything." 

"You're right." 

"And I can't believe that you would have the audacity to come back here and demand that I...what?" 

There was that stupid smile again. "I said you're right." 


He leaned against the door, fixing his arms across his chest and crossing his ankles. "It might be the only thing we agree on right now, but you're right about the fact that the people up there-" he pointed to the sky, gesturing to the Cloud Kingdom "-they don't care about you at all. They never gave two craps about their lost princess. They don't care so much that right at this very moment, no one is writing anything about you." 

"Excuse me?" Panic jolted through me. 

"Why do you think you were here for two whole months? Don't you think if they cared so much about their lost princess, they would alter their writings to end in your favor?" 

"We're sworn to be un-biased in our writings." 

"You said it yourself, anyways. They're not looking for you." 

"Then why would I ever want to go back there?" Tears prickled my eyes, but I kept them back, not daring to blink. I did say it myself, however hearing someone else say it felt completely different. It gave me a sense of being thrown into oblivion.

"Because, and believe me when I tell you, that you were so insignificant that they didn't care to notice you. But if you went back, I can change everything. You won't be a princess. You'll be their queen, and we can both live out happy lives." 

"I don't want you. I don't need your help. Whatever you're going to do, do it. I don't care. There is nothing that I could ever dream of doing with you." I shot an accusatory finger at him. 

"Trust me, sweetheart, what I'm going to do, you'll want to be back in the Cloud Kingdom." 


sorry this took so longgggg i've been asked for updates on this for MONTHS but i just found it hard to be motivated, but im backkkk this is the only fic im working on atm so hopefully it won't be so dry  im hoping for this one to be a lot more different from my other fics 

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