Chapter Nine

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maneater - nelly furtado 

y'all are my literal queens y/n feels so powerful in this book 

The night came swiftly, and I had cuddled myself in the scratchy blanket, curling my legs to my chest as I sought any kind of warmth. Sleep was kind, and took me as soon as I closed my eyes. 

I woke up, the boat rocking gently. Breathing in, I sat up, brushing my hands down my robe and looking around. Sleep clung to my eyes, making my thoughts and vision fuzzy. With a few delirious blinks, I was able to make out...absolutely nothing. 

Morro was still sitting across, his hand hovering at the end of the boat. Water still rippled slightly where his wind had been shooting against it moments before. We'd stopped in the middle of nowhere. For miles, all that could be seen were the still waters of the ocean. Stiix was far behind us, not one flickering lantern still in sight.

Morro's eyes met mine. (More like I looked at him, because he was already staring at me, possible before I even woke up.) 

"What." I snapped. I liked the way the word flew out of my mouth as more of a demand. It felt empowering. 

"Silly of you to fall asleep so mindlessly next to your captor, but your boldness is admirable, I'll say that." 

Heat rushed to my cheeks. I tucked my chin into the top of my white robe, biting my lip. "Why are we here?" My voice was blank, but still stern. Sounding more uninterested and claiming. 

When I looked back up, one of Morro's green-tinted fingers was pointed down at the water on the left side of the boat. (My left, his right.) 

"That specific patch of water is why we came here? Gosh, I must be of such use to you now." 

"No. This is why." His fingers flew open, and a gust of wind was released, blowing violently at the water. It splashed everywhere but his direction, and the water sputtered and struggled against his authorizing power. Eventually, it gave way and soon there was a flawless cylinder of water swirling. Similar to a whirlpool, if a whirlpool was supposed to be a tunnel straight down. 

The ocean floor was much too far down to see. There was only darkness swirling deep. I peaked over the ledge of the boat and glanced back to Morro, my brow furrowing. He didn't blink when we made eye contact. 

My stomach dropped with the realization of what he was doing. I'd read about this. During my spare hours in the Cloud Kingdom (which were many), I would read of the First Spinjitzu Master. Mentioned in the countless scrolls regarding his story was where he chose to rest. And I'm sure that Morro had just found the spot. 

Rumor had it that he died with the Realm Crystal in his hand, and to this day it was still sitting there, untouched, and if you made it to his resting point, it was completely unguarded, too. I knew better, though. Everyone in the Cloud Kingdom did. It wasn't a rumor at all, and Morro knew it very well too. 

I hate you, I love you - Morro x Female readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ