E i g h T e e n . .

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Jayda POV
This morning sickness ain't no joke bruh. I feel so sick it ain't even funny. I can barely walk & my stomach is on 10. I thought Lani was gon be my last baby.

I put that on everything that Leilani was my last one , but God obviously had other plans. Herb been pressing me about us getting married and stuff.

When we got into that argument and I took off my engagement ring ..I ain't think I was ever gon slip that back on again. I didn't think we'd even get married . To be honest I ain't even think herb wanted to..but now I see he's dead serious about it.

I wanna marry him but..I don't even know. It's all coming at me at once and I don't know how to feel about it all.. I'm in love with him, but I don't wanna get hurt again & he says those aren't his intentions but that's what it feels like.

I can tell he's trying to change for the better so Leilani can have a great role model and so our relationship doesn't go to waste. I really hope it doesn't . I've put too much time and effort into this relationship for us to just give up.. I don't want what we have to end.

As much as we argue and break up him and Leilani are really all I got . Like yea I love my family and friends but at the end of the day Herb and Lani are who I come home to after a bad day and they who I sleep with after having a bad night. Those are my babies and I'd go to war behind them and that's facts.

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