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A year later...


"Alright I'll make sure they let me see it and I will apply it onto the fabric...Of course, no need to, they will show it to me. Okay, thank you."

I hang the phone up and swirl around my chair to find my employee hand me a piece of paper with the design the lady said she'd send me.

I thank her and head to my work space to get started.

Well, for over a year now, I've finally began to market my own clothing line.
At first, I began myself and sell them online when I got noticed by another famous designer and it only made me get a lot of attention.

In other news, Alya and Nino were now engaged.
Nino decided to take her back to her home town in Lyon and surprise her there.
I hadn't gone of course but Nino's mom made sure to record everything.

And ever since, Alya has been more focused on her wedding than her job...which she also markets herself.
A journalist on gossip.

So since she's been 'working hard' on it, the wedding was coming up soon.
I had remembered when she had asked me if I could help with her wedding dress and the other gowns for the bridesmaids.

I shouted with excitement and honor as I immediately began to work on them.

She had also asked to help her with invitations...and when I closed one, I froze.

The invitation was for Adrien.

Alya noticed I froze up and sighed, "you okay?"
I only nod and continue.
"...Mare, I hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable...Nino wanted him to be his best man—"
"Alya, it's y'all's wedding! Of course I wouldn't feel uncomfortable...it's just, I haven't spoken to him after...well in a while."

"Hmm...but, I should've told you so you'd get more prepared."
"It's ok. It's your big day...I promise I won't ruin it, just because I can't handle my own shit."
She giggled and I smile.
"Thanks girl..."

I turn to Alya and she asked, "what's goin' on with Nathan? I'm just now realizing you guys aren't as close close no more...everything ok?"

I sigh and shake my head.

It's been about am 3 months since I've taken to dating Nathaniel.
But to be honest...it's because I just needed someone for better distraction on things.

I mean so far, he's been great.
He is a good kisser and such but doesn't...quite complete the distraction part fully.

I sigh in exhaustion once I got home and went immediately to my room to get ready for bed.

I had moved out of the condo right after that week from the very intense convo me and Adrien had that night last year.

I just couldn't keep staying with him, it'd be killing me softly.
I only shake my head and admit that I'm finally over him...

The next morning, I do my usual morning routine and head to the office, getting my things done and ready and preparing for the next assignments I got commissioned for.

I had then realized, as I checked the time, Nathaniel was suppose to pick me up today for lunch later, but really didn't want to see him.

I know it's only been 3 months but the more I think about this useless relationship, I bodice how much of a pusher this guy was.
The many times her asked me to go to his house, or come to mine was just to get into my pants...he wouldn't even try to hide it when we had been making out for a minute that he unbuttoned my pants and I push away saying no and that I was tired to get him to leave.

As if he'd be my first...

As I re check with some employees, my phone buzzed and I find it's Nathaniel.
I sigh and finally answer him, "hm?"

"Hey? What's wrong? Why no lunch today?"
He chuckled at the end but I just stay silent.

"I just messaged you saying I was too busy for that. maybe next time."
"Ok, that's fine Um...just wanted to know if you were ok."

"I'm fine, Nathan. Now I've gotta get back to work..."
"Why leaving so soon?"
"...You know what, why not Sunday. I have something I want to admit actually..."
I hear a long pause from him and assume he didn't think of it very well.


Saturday morning, came and decide since I have no work today, to go find a wedding gift for the lovely weds to be.

When It was about noon, I leave my apartment and think about heading to the mall.

As I got out though...I could've sworn I heard a familiar voice...
Turning to it, I completely froze like a deer on the road.

Noticing how much he's changed...his hair was growing. His smile the same, his clothing, quite different, something Adrien would pick out...and when he turned to my direction, he had the same green eyes I'd look into...

Adrien then got off from his car and stood there eyeing me.

My heart began to beat fast and I...wave. I then smile when I realize we both walk closer to each other.

"Oh my gosh...h-hi—"
"Mari! Holy shit!"
He then eyed me up and down as he broke out another big smile and shook in disbelief to see me.

I chuckle weakly and felt my cheeks flush as we stand their awkwardly.
"Damn, It's been a while, huh?"

"Yea it has..."
I then hear someone clearing their throat, making me and Adrien turn our necks to that direction...

Once I look behind Adrien, I find a beauty.

"Oh, um Mari...This...This is Kagami. My girlfriend."

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