"I was shot twice but there almost healed," I say while shutting my locker.

"We should get going, Mr. Pratt will challenge us to a dance-off if we are late again and I don't want to be dancing in front of the class again," I say and Ned makes a face.

"I just hope he plays something else than 'I got a feeling', today," Ned says and I laugh.

We may not want to be dancing in front of the class but Mr. Pratt was a pretty cool guy. He always let us listen to music when we worked and he tried not to give us tons of homework. And he had donuts for the whole class every Monday morning that makes the day a whole lot better.

We quickly make our way through the crowded while a wince when someone hits me. I may have fibbed a little to everyone. While I would normally be healed, my body was exposed to radiation and my abilities were focused on healing my body from that instead of the gunshot wounds.

When we make it to English, we are the last ones and quickly hurry to our seats and start eating the donuts already there. A minute after the bell rings, Mr. Pratt comes into the room and sighs when he sees we are all here.

"I guess there isn't going to be any dance-offs today," He says disappointedly in a very fake sad voice.

"First order of business, those papers that were due last week," Mr. Pratt says and the class starts pulling out papers and handing them to him as he walks by.

"Ok, so because Cindy won the essay competition about our national security, we will be visiting the S.H.I.E.L.D. base closest to us. It is the prize but it is also to show that they have nothing to hide from the public," Mr. Pratt says and I snort.

"Do you have something to say, Peter?" Mr. Pratt asks and I shake my head.

"Nope, nothing," I say and Mr. Pratt smirks at me.

"Ok, cause it sounded as if you wanted a dance-off," He says and I shake my head. 

"Nope, I didn't say anything," I say and Mr. Pratt smiles while walking to the front of the room.

"As I was saying, Cindy won the essay contest so the whole first period English class will be going to tour a S.H.I.E.L.D. base and learning about how things work now after everything they've been through," Mr. Pratt says and I look around to see everyone smiling at being able to tour the base.

"Now we have to get down to what we are here to do. For the rest of the period, you will be working on your 'What America Means to Me', essays. Do remember that these will be entered in the nationwide competition where the winners class is given a field trip to Washington DC with tours in the white house, the state-building, the national mall, FBI headquarters, and the international spy museum," Mr. Pratt says and I can tell he is really excited about this.

I pull out my computer along with everyone else and get to work, another essay, another day.


School was finally done for the day and I was glad. I wanted to get settled in at the base and make sure that they knew who was going to be there, I didn't need a repeat of Uganda. 

"Hey Peter, you coming over today?" Ned asks and I shake my head as I grab my bags out of my locker.

"No, I have to get settled in at the base. Remember what happened in Uganda?" I ask and Ned nods while making an O shape with his mouth.

"Wasn't that the time you came back shot seven times?" He asks and I nod.

"The agents thought I was a Hydra agent so they opened fire at me. That was not a fun day," I say and Ned laughs.

Peter Parker One-shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن