Chapter 13 - Venice or Lyon ?

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Meanwhile Jacob was in Venice. Unfortunately the client he had been waiting for couldn't make it, but as payment occurs before hand it was just a long paid holiday for Jacob. He didn't tell Chrissy anything about the cancellation. A week of paid holiday is all one could ask for. He ordered a drink to his hotel room and suddenly was feeling spontaneous, he didn't want to spend a whole week in such a romantic city with no one to fuck around with, romantically. So he booked the first flight in sight which happened to be to Lyon, France. He didn't have much stuff anyways and so it was quite easy for him to pack and leave. He reached there at about 11:00 pm. He found a small hotel and put his belongings there and called a cab. He took a quick drive to the closest bar, the bar was almost closed but all he wanted was a drink or two so it was fine. He walked in and saw a table with a 2 girls and a guy. He speculated whether he should sit with them or not, he eventually didn't. The bartender asked him for his order and then headed to the guy on the table to give him the keys of the bar. "Please close it when you are done and keep the key safely. I'm heading out now, I think tonight might be the night". The three on the table started cheering " yeahhh boy go get them" and then added something in French. As the bartender left, the people on the table thought of sitting with Jacob.

"Hey man, come sit with us."
"Um are you sure?"
"Dude it's just the 4 of us here, don't worry come"

"So what's your name?"
"I'm Jacob"
"Ooh are you American ? Seems like it"
"Yeah I actually was born there and have been moving around ever since"
"That's so cool. Oh yeah I'm Chance, she's Emma and this is Sophie"
"Nice to meet all of you beautiful people"
They all chuckled

Chance was 24, Emma was 22 and Sophie was 23.

The French do have something in common, some of them can be extremely attractive. And this doesn't only comply of looks, because one being attractive has got a whole different meaning than just good looking. Attractive mean they've got a charisma and personality that attracts you when you interact with them. And that's how it was with those three. But the looks weren't deceiving either. Emma was a light skin girl with beautiful curly locks and. slender body. Sophie looked and sounded Spanish, she had these beautiful curves, and silky dark brown hair. And well Chance has this dark brown hair, nicely built, with muscular arms. The lights in the bar were quite dim, with the soft yellow lights glistening and amplifying the feelings and emotions. Chance had his hand around Sophie, and Jacob sat next to Emma. Everyone started speaking about what they're up-to at the moment what they plan to do in the next year or so. Chance pulled out a pack of cigarettes, and offered everyone. Sophie refused to take one, she said she didn't like them a whole lot. The rest however took one. Emma pulled out a lighter and lit the cigarettes. They all laughed and relaxed through the night. Just when Chance unexpectedly got up and left to somewhere at the back of the bar. Suddenly there was some music playing, some nice French music to start the night.

They all got up and started dancing a little, twirling each other around. It was Chance with Sophie and Jacob with Emma. They had their cigarettes in hand and were making the most of this amazing times.

Soon it was time they locked up, it was 1:50 am. Emma suggested they all go back to her house and chill out a little longer, because honestly they were having a lot of fun with each other.

At Emma's house they snacked on some chips and went and sat on her bed. Emma's house wasn't too big. It was a college apartment, which mainly consisted of a kitchen and a bedroom. Emma and Sophie sat against the wall, while Jacob and Chance sat toward the end of the bed infront of them.

After speaking a whole lot somehow the conversation got a little sexual. Emma asked how long has it been since the last time you've had sex. "Why me? Ask Chance first" Sophie said.

"Alright fine. Chance how long"
"About 2 weeks, yeah"
"How about you Jacob ?"
"Less than a week ago"
"What about you Emma"
Emma put up five fingers, in shame.
"Five weeks!?!?"
"Yeah but it's not that long if you think about it. Enough about me, Sophie how about you ?"
"With a boy or girl?"

The crowd was in absolute confusion. "What?!?" They chuckled. "You've had sex with a girl?!?" They all looked at each other.

"Yeah pretty cool stuff."
"Honestly I've wanted to experiment with a girl before" said Emma embarrassingly
"Really? Well I could help you with that" Sophie softly brushed her hand on Emma's thigh. And she began blushing.

"I think they should just start making out right now." Chance said to Jacob

"Hey hey hey. We aren't just gonna start making our in front of you, pleasee" Sophie replied

"Come on; there's something in it for all of us. We'll see you kiss. Emma will get the experience she's been longing for and you..."

"Wait, we'll only make out if... you two make out first."
"Yeah yeah I agree" Emma said.

"No that's not happening" Chance replied with a blush smile

"Like a proper kiss, not just a peck alright" Sophie said.

"We're not doing it" Chance said
"Yeah no that's crossed out" Jacob said.

"Fine your loss, we live close by anyways we could hook up anytime, just that you won't see it"

"Aghhh fine okay but you have to, have to kiss after that." said Chance "are you okay with this Jacob ?" He asked Jacob

"I'm not too sure—"

"Ah come on Jacob, Please, It's just a kiss" Everyone started saying. He had kissed many girls before but never had he kissed a guy.

"Okay okay okay fine"

"Yayyyy !!" the crowd cheered

They both stood on their knees on the bed. absolutely confused. They both came close and closed their eyes. Their hands were on their sides and in this awkward position they went in. As their lips touched Chance pulled away. "Ee ahh I don't know" he laughed embarrassingly.

"That wasn't a kiss! We want more. We want more. We want more" the girls said

So they went in again and this time Jacob pulled Chance in. And now they were making out. From the looks of it, weirdly enough it seemed like they both were enjoying it.

Then they pulled away, Chance wiped his lips as he continued looking at Jacob, as though he wanted more.

"A deal is a deal" Said Chance

"Your order shall be obeyed"

The girls then began making out in full passion. Caressing and touching each other's body. Grabbing each other's boobs and asses. Flipping their hair side to side. Really putting on a show for the boys. Because a deal is a deal. They could feel each other smiling through the kisses. It was beautiful, and fucking hot. The boys' were losing their minds and began getting turned on.

The boys realized that it's getting late and they should head out, looked like Sophie was about to spend the night there so they decided to leave.

"Chance.. do you want to come back to my place ? I think they're showing the football game from this morning. We could watch i it together" He said

"Man you know I missed the match and I was so upset , but yeah you're right I should come over. "

"The late night version always hits best"

There was something in both of them, a raging fire in their heart. They loved that kiss, and didn't know what else they could do but the wanted to do something. But at the same time didn't , one : because they like each other as good buddies and second : because they knew they were straight and couldn't be attracted to a guy.

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