Chapter 21

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"You know what would be amazing ? A fucking threesome. Jacob. Me. And Monsieur Chance Alarie. Oh but you are most definitely very attractive. I'm sure Jacob wouldn't even mind hitting off with you, because i mean has he seen those eyes ??!? Ahhh oh well i said what i needed to and now i'll go off to sleep" Chance listened to the voicemail she'd sent and he found it hilarious but oh so sweet.

The next morning, Christine woke up with a rather heavy head. She woke up to the sound of a phone (the hotel landline) ringing, which she was finding quite difficult to locate and pick up.

"Jacob, could you please pick up the phone"

"Mhm" he said as he got up around her.

"Hello" Jacob said in his husky sleepy voice
"Hello hello, look at you still sleeping"

Jacob was struggling to understand who was speaking, when he caught on it was Chance.

"Look i don't know if you know but Chrisitine sent me a whole long voice mail telling me she wants all of us to hook up per se. She was going on and on about how amazing that'd be and everything. And i-"

"Fuck, so she went ahead and just-"

Off the phone - "Did you tell Chance you wanted a threesome with him ?"

"Look Chance sorry, she went too far, i don't know why she would-"

"Jay, i'm just calling to tell you I'm fucking down. I'll bottom your ass up. But the rest is on you"

Jacob let out a smirk. Chance always had a funny way with words.

"Lets keep things platonic, my girl overstepped" Jacob said

"Your wish, love" he said and hung up

"I can't believe you actually-" He said to Christine angrily.

"Did what ?!" She replied. By this time she was up and sitting on the bed on her phone.

"You fucking told him you wanted a threesome. Didn't even check with me, nothing, went ahead and called him, and just told him 'mm yeah i'd like your dick to be in places' like Chrissy you can't be acting like this in front of people you hardly know ?"

"You're kidding ME !!" she exclaimed "I could've sworn i dreamt it. Fuck Fuck fuck, what did he sayyyy ?"

"He was asking about it and i just politely told him we weren't going to indulge in any of it. For fuck's sake Chrissy. Not even a little "Hey Jacob would you be fine with a guy's dick in your mouth.". Like you know I don't do that stuff. Like why would you even consider a threesome with another guy ? I don't even know what to say anymore, this just went too far. The literal worst part is hat he's my friend and you didn't even consult with me, your fucking boyfriend Christine, about something that oh yeah so very fucking involves both of us "

"Babe i'm so sorry, i seriously am, i-" She accepted her mistake and tried to fix things because she knew this time she fucked up.

But Jacob wasn't having it so he got up and left the room to go get some fresh air. He was upset that she didn't even hesitate to go and ask Chance about something which did involve both of them. Her being drunk wasn't an excuse.

At breakfast, which was with Chance, they didn't speak to each other one bit. Chance noticed all of this and was very confused.

"My babies what's gotten into you two ??" He said to both of them and waited for a response. When he didn't get one he said "Oh come on now, give each other a hug, come on come on !!" And he got up and pushed them closer together and made it a group hug "this is the way it needs to be"

After breakfast, Jacob left to his room immediately, leaving Christine and Chance at he table. She explained the whole story to Chance. Chance thought Jacob was being a little melodramatic for all the times he's had his dick in his mouth.

"It's okay, let me talk to him. Go get a massage and then come back to the room okay ?"

"Okay" She said wiping her tears, and smiling

Chance got to Jacob's room and walked right in, he got the extra key from reception.

"Jacob my man, you're really letting babe cry just because you didn't want a little dick in your ass. Grow the fuck up, she was drunk and she messed up, who hasn't ?" He said as he stood right by the door.

"Chance-" He said as he came closer to the door.

"No i'm actually not having this, you're just being unnecessarily harsh on her. Do you know how difficult it is to find someone you love and who loves you back ?"

"Yes, i do" He said as he looked right into Chance's gorgeous eyes

"Then stop the childishness and-" Chance was interrupted by the door opening. It was Christine.

"Hey, Jacob, before you say anything i just wanna say i'm very sorry, about everything. I am genuinely learning along the way and sometimes I act frivolously but-"

"No Babe, let him speak now, I think he has something to say" Chance said

"Why thank you Chance"

"Go on now" Chance replied

"I'm sorry baby too, i love you, and all of you, even the drunk you, even the sad you, even the cute you. All of you. I just wanted you to have spoken to me first that's all"

He said as he walked closer to her. She stood right at the door. He leaned in and kissed her. And for a moment all matters were settled. They were happy in that moment.

Chance the mediator was happy seeing them finally make up. As he attempted to leave the room, as to everyone's surprise Jacob pulled Chance in. Christine was a little confused and so was Chance, but oh was he fine with it. Jacob then stepped back and let him kiss her as he took his shirt off.

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