Chapter 15

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They woke up with little headaches. Jacob had suddenly come to realise his decision was probably not the best, he has a fucking girlfriend waiting for him and he fucked another guy ! Technically they didn't fuck though, not yet of course.

Chance got up fully naked and lit a cigarette, and offered Jacob a puff, but Jacob hurriedly got out of bed.

"Look last night was fun but I'm not gay. Or bi. It was just a one time thing" he was convincing himself really.

"Dude same, I was just offering you a smoke"

"Yeah but just knos fucking serious I'm not gay. I'm not made for this shit."

"I'm not gay either, but we both know we were enjoying it" Chance said as he grabbed Jacob's morning bulge through his boxers. "You see if i like something I execute accordingly"

"Are you saying you like me ?"

"Of course, now i just wanna see how you'll take my dick"

"Nah you see now, i'm not gonna do that"

"Oh come on, stop faking it Jacob. You aren't even good at hiding it. I mean look at your dick, hard as a rock"

"Fucking hell, screw you"

"I know you wanna" Chance chuckled "Look you aren't in town for that long anyways, hear me out, we spend another few nights together and then you and I yeah we never meet again how do you like that ?"

"Wtf have you got me agreeing to. Fine."

"Let's head over to Sophie and Emma's apartment and see what they've been up to."

"Sounds like a plan"

They drove to the apartment and opened the door. Chance was wearing an unbuttoned loose baby blue silk shirt folded up to his elbows, with white pants and brown shoes. He had nice rings on his fingers and golden watch.

"Emmaaa, Sophieeee, wake up love birdssss" Chance said as he walked over to grab an apple from the kitchen. He leaned on counter as he ate the apple.

"Chance boy oh boy" Sophie walked in with the white duvet cover wrapped very loosely around her "Put that apple down, oh hey Jacob"

"So what y'all do ? Did y'all fuck ? Oh what a scene. I bet it was magical " Chance said holding the apple high so Sophie couldn't reach it and would have to get all close to him.

"Shut up Chance." She said smiling

"Soph who is it ?" Emma said walking in just underwear.

"Soph ?!? Oooh lalalala nicknamesss is something going on between the two of you"

"Chance you're such a pain in the ass" Emma replied

"Oh wouldn't someone like to know" He said as he looked at Jacob "But alas some people are just too scared to find out"

"And what did you guys do last night Jacob ?" Sophie asked taking the apple from Chance and taking a bite

"Just watched the highlights of the baseball game last night" Jacob replied.

"Crazy game though, balls everywhere" Chance said as he couldn't stop looking at Emma's boobs

"That is how baseball works dumbass, and keep your eyes up here" Sophie replied

"Ooh possessive much ? Listen she's out of your league, you could never get a beauty like her " Chance replied still staring at Emma's boobs

"Okay so where do we take Jacob tonight ?" Emma asked as she put on a t-shirt. Chance making a growing face at Emma for doing that.

"We can go to the-" Sophie said when she got interrupted

"No can do, we're busy tonight" Chance interrupted "Boys night"

"Agh both of you ?" Sophie said disappointedly

"I mean boys night would include boys,  would it not ? Unless Jacob isn't a boy, I mean i can't say for sure but i very well do think he is" Chance said

"Fine then go on, just another night to ourselves" Sophie said smiling

"Don't use your lesbian ways to get back at me" Chance said pulling Sophies face to his and kissing her and then putting his face in Emma's boobs until she pushed him away smiling. He began walking out  "Bye loves"

"Bye guys" Jacob said and they both walked out.

"Bye" Sophie and Emma replied

They both planned to go to their own places for the afternoon.

"Okay Jacob I'll see you tonight at my place"

Jacob nodded as he smiled.

"Oh my god saying it won't hurt ya"

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