
Beginne am Anfang

"Are you alright?"

I nodded, "yea, just some small car-Ah" my sentence was cut off by a scream as a fresh pain went through my body.

I panted hard, trying to hold my composer.

Another pain went through me, and I felt warm liquid run down my legs, trickling to the wooden patio.

I stared at the liquid in shock.

Arthur took one look and his face paled.

"Alright, love, looks like it's time"

I nodded letting him led me into the house. He sat me down on the couch as he began to gather stuff into a bag. He handed me my cell, and gave me a stern look.

I knew what he wanted me to do, and I guess I had to now.

I called the familiar number putting the phone on speaker. My breaths came hard, as I tried my best to keep the pain down.

The phone rang a couple of times before a smooth French voice answered, "oui?"

"H-hey, love" I panted, with a nervous smile.

"(y/n)?" The shocked French voice said.

I laughed breathy cringing at the pain it caused, "yea, it's me."

"How are you, amour?" He asked,and I could pretty much hear the smile in his voice, "it's been so long, what have-"

He stopped when I let out a muffled cry biting my lip as bolt of pain flooded my stomach. Tears pricked my eyes, but I refused to let them fall.

"(y/n)? Amour?" Francis now sounded worried, "what's wrong? Are you hurt?"

"I-I'm fine," I reassured, "there just something I have to- shit!.."

I cried and groaned in pain, tears now rolling down my face. Arthur rushed to me, and I could hear the worried Frenchman practically screaming into the phone.

Arthur hoisted me up, taking the phone from my hand.

I cried, "I have to tell him..."

Arthur gave me a sad look as he led me to the car.

"Tell me what?" France screamed into the phone, "What do you have it tell me?"

Arthur's face twisted in anger, "She's having your fucking baby right now!"

Before France could say anything the phone was hung up and shoved in his pocket.

I wanted to reach for it, so Francis's soft voice could comfort me through this pain. I wanted my Frenchman here with me.

But I settled for Arthur gently helping me into the car, as we began the drive to the hospital. Arthur pulled out my phone and typed a quick message while keeping his eyes on the road.

"I told him what hospital to meet us at, if he wanted to come" he said

I nodded, breathing heavy, and biting my lip to avoid screaming. The thought of being able to see my love again made me happy, but I was in too much pain to smile.

The Beautiful World  (Hetalia Oneshots) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt