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After all the guests had lazily left, and everything had been cleared and washed, Merlin was walking Guinevere home, arm in arm.

He could feel his magic flowing around him. An energy that pulsed when he felt radiant as he did in this moment.

They strolled down a royal hall when they heard someone yelling. A few steps away, Arthur's chamber door opened and Lady Madelena ran out, half dressed and angry.

Gwen and Merlin exchanged confused glances, then without another breath, Gwen ran after the lady to comfort her.

Merlin, in turn went into the room. Arthur sat on his bed, shirtless, pants laced properly, and his head in his hands.

"What the hell happened?" Merlin nearly shouted.

Arthur said nothing.

"You can't just get a woman drunk and come on to her!"

Arthur looked shocked.

"Come on to her?! If anything she came on to me!"


"I thought we were having a nice chat and then out of nowhere she was unbuttoning her dress! She wanted me to have her right then and there."

Merlin stood there for a second, puzzled.

"Why didn't you? Aren't you betrothed?"

"Betrothed! Gods, no. Not yet at least. She was drunk. Whose to say she's the one I marry anyways? Even if she is, I don't want to just leap into bed with her..."

Merlin paused.

"I don't know of any man who would not have jumped for that offer... save you I suppose. I always knew you were strange." A smile spread across Merlin's face as he bent down to sit next to the prince.

Arthur smiled sadly, gazing down at his hands.

"You know... most princes don't even get a choice of who they marry. You should count yourself lucky." Merlin offered.

"Not lucky enough..." Arthur brooded like a sad puppy. However this was clearly not an act. Arthur was truly hurting.

And Merlin felt it.

They sat in silence for a few moments before Merlin felt that burning again.

He looked up at Arthur.

Arthur looked up at him.

They looked upon each others faces for what seemed like ages.

Finally, Arthur curled his fingers around the nape of Merlins neck but did not pull him in. Instead, Arthur bent forward to press his own lips to Merlin's. It was hungry but gentle. His magic pulsed against his body. Arthur kissed him deeply.

There was an aching.

A part of Merlin had been longing for this for a very long time.

Arthur pulled away, and studied his face.

He saw that Merlin's face held some sort of shock and questioning.

"Oh gods...." Arthur shrunk away, "I'm drunk."

Merlin first thought that Arthur was taking advantage of him in seeking solace, but then he remembered refusing Madelena.

He also remembered Arthur having only two cups of wine which were some hours ago.

"...you're not that drunk."

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