jack avery • surgery

Start from the beginning

you both lay there. your mom had called, apologizing for not being able to be there and asking how you were. she cared about you, it was just bad timing.

there was a knock on your door so you hung up with your mom.

"hi, i'm dr. parks. they're ready to operate, so i'm going to give you some medicine that'll put you right to sleep, okay?"


jack got up from the bed but held your hand. the doctor put something into your i.v., and you could feel something cold entering your body.

"i'll be right here when you wake up, okay?" jack said. you nodded and he leaned down to kiss your forehead. you looked up at him, and soon your eyes were droopy and you were asleep.

you stared hearing voices, but you couldn't see anything.

"thank you so much, oh my gosh. she talks about you all the time and i felt so rude asking but-"

"no, it's fine. i'm always down to make videos and talk to fans."

"that's so sweet."

"jack?" you asked, slowly opening your eyes. you saw him standing there talking to the nurse, but as soon as you spoke he was holding your hand by your side.

"i'm here love," he said.

"did they do it already?" you asked.

"yeah, mr. avery wanted to let you sleep for a while longer to get some rest. it's been about three hours since the surgery," the nurse said.


"now that you're awake, we can go ahead and get you out of here if you'd like," the nurse said.


"let me go grab the wheelchair." the nurse left the room and you looked at jack.

"how ya feeling?" he asked.

"i'm all loopy," you said laughing.

"you're so cute."

"you're cuter." you laughed again. "i'm hungry."

"we can drive through somewhere on our way home."

"ihop?" you asked.

"sure. i'll go ahead and order so we can just pick it up and you won't have to get out."

"okay." you smiled.

"here we are. so i'll leave you to get dressed and then you can get out of here, alright?" the nurse asked. jack nodded and she closed the door behind her.

"i'll try to make this easy on you babe." he grabbed your underwear and sweats from your bag. he pulled back the blankets and you gasped.

"what? are you okay?" he asked, his eyes wide.

"it's cold!" you giggled.

"oh my god y/n." he shook his head and laughed. he helped you put your clothes on then the nurse came back in and helped you get into the wheelchair.

jack wheeled you out and the nurse followed you.

"you might have to pick her up mr. avery," the nurse said.

"okay, y/n this might hurt but we gotta do it." he hooked his arm under your legs and around your back. you put your arm around his shoulders and he lifted you up, setting you in the car.

"did that hurt?" he asked.

"i can't feel nothing." you giggled.

"her pain meds won't wear off for a while," the nurse said.

"okay." jack and the nurse talked for a few minutes, then jack closed your door and went to the other side.

once you got home, jack got you situated in your bed, then brought you your pancakes.

"yum! you're the best boyfriend ever!" you laughed and pulled jack into you, smushing your lips against his.

jack pulled away from you laughing then you started eating your pancakes. the whole week was full of jack taking care of you and cuddling 24/7. he was the best nurse ever.


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