Part XI: Drunk in love

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A/N: 🍋


“Beam? Beam? Wake up,” I lightly tapped his cheeks.

He groaned. He was so wasted, and was now sprawled in the backseat of my car. He was half asleep half awake from what I can tell.

“Hey, can you get up? We’re in your dorm now,” I said as I gently lifted him to a sitting position.

The truth is, I was also a little bit tipsy. While I only drank a couple of shots, Beam downed thrice as much as I had. And I didn’t believe him one bit when he said can handle it. He’s gonna have one big hangover tomorrow.

He was now murmuring incoherent words. His eyes half closed. His face was flushing red, his black hair in a disarray. Though he was thoroughly hammered, he still looked… beautiful. I know. I sound weird, but the more I look at him, the more I feel drawn to him. Ever since he kissed me in that damned cave.

“Whaddaya...what… hicc… do you… hicc.. think you’re doing…” his slurred speech was becoming a bit louder now.

“Kissing…hicc..  mee..hicc... liiiike that,” he says in between his hiccups.

Right, the kiss. That mind blowing kiss at the club. It’s the first time I kissed a boy. Not counting the one on the cave. I thought it would be different than kissing girls. Well, it was. It is different, in the context of how I felt. How his lips felt on mine. It was supposed to be just a closed lipped peck that would last a hundred seconds to satisfy his idiot friends. But then, it was not. It was more than that. The softness, the sweetness, his scent. The alcohol in my system fueling whatever it is that was stirred inside me. I was not drunk, literally, but I was intoxicated… by him. That was why one minute I was just teasing, the next I was eating his face, invading his mouth. I just lost it.

Now I looked at his sweet little mouth, and I gulped hard. My own lips are still tingling.

His eyes are fully opened now, but still unfocused. He giggled. And then stumbled as he tries to get out of the car.

“Oh, I’m… hicc.. home,” he said as he straightened his back and started walking out of the parking lot, stumbling with his unsteady feet. I know he definitely cannot walk in a straight line in this condition.

After locking my car I ran up to him and grabbed him before he faceplants on the ground.

“Wooooh…” he said as he locked my neck with both of his arms. “You’re strong…”

He stared me with narrowed eyes, looking confused. But then he giggled again.

“Boyfrieeeend~” he says in a singsong voice. “You are strong.”

He has been calling me that for the past hour. Maybe proposing that fake dating idea was a mistake. Because right now, at this moment, I am very confused with what’s going on my mind. Because I’m not complaining at all. I’m not complaining if he’s calling me like that. I’m not complaining if we kissed again like that. I’m not complaining if he’s holding me like this. Instead, I like it…. I really like it.

At first I was in denial, I was confused. But as days went by, it was getting clearer by the day. And that kiss earlier confirmed everything. Like icing on a cake.

I like him. Very much.

As if he was hearing my thoughts, he suddenly hooked his right leg on my waist. And I immediately caught him as he lifted himself to hook his left leg. He was now straddled on me. I am literally carrying him. In my arms.

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