Part V: One more time

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3rd Person POV

The med trio arrived at the campsite just after lunch, and immediately began setting up the tent.

Kit can’t help but notice something weird about his friend, Beam. It was not just the sprained ankle that just magically happened overnight, but there is something off about him today. It was just yesterday that Beam was whining about going camping, but now he was behaved and compliant despite his injury.

“Ai’Kit, that pole was for this side.” Beam called.

Kit and Phana stared at him with mouths open as he expertly stakes down the corners and connected the poles.

“Wow.” Kit said.

“Didn’t know you know how to set up a tent.” Phana checks the frames and was impressed at how sturdy it was set up.

“Oh, I was troop leader during my boy scout days.” Beam said nonchalantly.

“You were? How come we didn’t know?” Kit asked. “We’re classmates.”

“Oh…”  Beam just realized something and his eyes started darting back and forth. “I uh… I mean, when I went to summer camp.”

“You did?” Kit walked towards Beam until he was just an inch closer, and then stared at him intently. Kit really thinks something is wrong with Beam today.

Beam looking uncomfortable slowly took a step back. “Yeah?”

Kit swept Beam’s hair away from his forehead and checked. “Did you bump your head or something?”

Someone cleared his throat. The three only realized the presence of someone else.

“Ai’Forth!” Phana greeted. “You were camping too?”

“Yeah! I’m with my gang!”

Forth said it so enthusiastically everyone was stunned for a couple of second.

“So…” he continued. “You guys were camping, too?”

“Yes, three days two nights. Quality time with my best friends.” Phana said.

“Sweet!” Forth said while looking at Beam.

“By the way, we’ll be having a campfire and barbecue later..”

“Sure!” Forth answered. Nodding vigorously.

“Sure what?” Phana asked.

“Sure, we’ll be there.”

Looking surprised, Phana just slowly nodded. “Oh… o...kay, you can come.”

Beam just stared at Forth with eyes wide open.

“What’s that on your arm?” Kit asked. “Did someone bite you?”

Beam suddenly inhaled loudly while glaring at Forth.

“Oh… this… I....” Forth hesitated while scratching his nape. “It’s the stray dog near my dorm.”

Without a word, Beam grabbed Forth and motioned him to sit on the folding chair. Forth just followed looking apologetic.

Beam rummaged through his bag till he found the first aid kit and started tending to the bite mark, applying a salve and a dry sterile bandage.

Phana and Kit just stood there dumbfounded while watching the whole show.

The two seemed to be whispering something to each other.

It was Phana’s turn to clear his throat.

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