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"Seokjin-hyung, I need some advice," Yoongi says to his cousin over the phone. "What about?" The older then gasps, "Did you find a man?" he coos over the phone, his tone practically making Yoongi barf.

Seokjin lived in Seoul and was pursuing an acting career which was actually taking off recently as he was casted for a k-drama lately. He knew everything about Yoongi being gay but wasn't quite caught up due to the interviews he's been involved with recently.

"Come on, Hyung, grow up," he groans, "But I do have a problem with being in love someone...,"

"Wait, I was just joking. I didn't know you actually had a crush! My baby cousin is growing up!" He squeals, he then clears his throat, "Is there a problem? Have you told them about your feelings?"

"No, I haven't," the younger huffs, "And I'm suffering the consequences,"

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Seokjin says. Yoongi fumbled with his sweater sleeve before hesitantly telling him, "I have hanahaki disease. It's bad; like really bad."

"Aww, Yoongi... You're a charmer, just tell them how you feel."

"It's not that easy when it's your own fucking best friend," Yoongi snarls. Seokjin lets out a dramatic gasp, "Language!"

"Yeah, okay, mom. I have a party in like half an hour, I need to get ready so I'll talk to you later, hyung." Yoongi says, "Have fun!" the older chimes before he cuts off the call.

When Yoongi said that he needed to get ready, he meant that he needed to go take a quick shower, throw on that worn out 'FG' shirt, and black jeans. When he was about to the leave the house, his mother stepped right in front of him, "how long have you practiced today?" Yoongi's mother asks. "Four hours, I finished the song yesterday so I'm just practicing the two songs for the recital,"

"You'll do eight tomorrow, right?" Yoongi nodded begrudgingly. His mother sighs and hesitantly let her son meet Hoseok's car outside. "Finally, hyung, you take so long," Hoseok groans as Yoongi gets in the car, starting the engine and putting it in drive.

"Oh, hush," Yoongi scoffs, taking out his phone to find the directions to Namjoon's place for Hoseok's GPS. "You're the closest out of all of us to Jungkook, right?" Yoongi asks, breaking the silence that occurred. "Yes, why?"

"I was talking to him about Taehyung and he started to cry. He feels like tae's ignoring him." After hearing this, Hoseok looked visibly bothered.

"Kook can be over dramatic sometimes," Hoseok huffs, "but this isn't one of them. I've seen how Taehyung's been acting lately and it's a bit upsetting. I thought I was just being overprotective but he's really ditched Jimin when he got with Jungkook but as soon as you started to get close to him and Jimin's been depending on you more, he's getting jealous."

"You're saying that like I'm his boyfriend," the older says, laughing light-heartedly.

"Who knows, are you guys hiding someth-"

"Roll down the window, the security guard wants to know who you're visiting," He cuts him off eagerly and he was lucky it was late because hoseok would never let it go if he saw Yoongi look like a literal strawberry.

The security guard let's them in to the neighborhood and Hoseok blurts out, "Hyung, are you sure you two aren't fuck buddies or something?"

"Well, I'm gone," Yoongi opens the car door and leaves Hoseok in the car.

"Where are you going?!"

"I'm walking!"

× × ×

After walking a few blocks, Yoongi finally made it and Jimin was waiting on the porch.

"Why are you so impulsive, Hyung!" Jimin hits Yoongi on the back of the head, "You're not even wearing a jacket! What am I going to do with you?" He continued as if he was Yoongi's mother.

"Sorry," Yoongi mutters. "Whatever, just get inside so you don't catch a cold,"

"Yoongi-Hyung!" Jungkook waved to the older. The boy was just in the corner of the room with his 3DS XL per usual. Yoongi was going to ask if Jimin wanted to come over and talk to Jungkook but he was quickly snatched up by Taehyung.

"He must really like you," Jungkook says, taking out one of the earbusde out of his ears. "Who? Jimin?" Yoongi asks, sitting on the floor next to him, glancing over at the game he was playing. "Of course! Jimin-ssi is always talking about you. He's totally whipped for you more than you are for him."

Yoongi smiles to himself sheepishly brushing off the thought of Jimin ever telling him that he loved him. "Have you talked to Taehyung, yet?" Yoongi immediately changing the subject. Jungkook's expression went sour. "No, but I'm planning to after jimin-ssi gets a little more settled down. I don't want to be an additional problem."

Yoongi was going to protest but Jungkook was stubborn so he just didn't intervene. "Yoongi-hyung!" Jimin waved him over with two plates in his hands.

"After you're done with the game, please, socialize for once," Yoongi said which Jungkook retorted with, "Yeah, yeah, just go get your man," The older shakes his head and gets up to 'get his man'.

He sat in between Jimin and Namjoon. "Will Jungkook be coming over?" Jimin glances at the younger and back at him. "Who knows, maybe, he'll come later," Yoongi shrugs taking a bite out of his pizza.

"Taehyung-ah, go get your boyfriend. I want to give Jimin his presents." Hoseok says.

"You guys got presents for me?" Jimin gasps as Namjoon grabs four boxes from the closet and Yoongi's heart sank as he watched Jimin hug everyone as he opened each person's present but he had nothing to give him.

"Hyung," Yoongi was snapped out of his daze as Jimin called at him. "Oh, I- your present will come later. It's taking a bit of time to be finished so."

"Are you sure? You don't have to feel obligated to get me a present." Jimin reassures. Yoongi nods, "I know but I want to,"

Truth is that he would have bought something but his dad had stolen money from him earlier that day. His father was addicted to gambling and that was a huge player in why Yoongi's family was so poor.

He tried so hard to conceal the money but alas he managed to find it.

"Are you sure, cause you're a present in yourself," Jimin gave Yoongi a hug which made everyone tease the two.

"Ah, young love," Hoseok giggles.

"Youre literally younger than me-"

× × ×

yike this took way too long to post

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