Chapter 11

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Song: Walk Me Home - P!nk


"Hey, pumpkin," he said. It sounded just like my father. This guy was good.

"Don't. Don't even talk to me. I don't want to hear it. I won't. My father is dead. He has been for years. You are nothing but an imposter parading around as him."

By the time I finished talking, his eyes had filled with tears. He really was good at this charade. Didn't make it any less of bullshit.

"It seems you are just as stubborn as your mother. I always did see so much of my mate in you." My dad always told me that.

He reached out to cup my face, a sign of family within my old pack, and I recoiled and moved away from him quickly. I could see the hurt lining his features, and I almost believed it was authentic. If that hurt him, he should see how much he hurt me, opening old wounds.

"Stay the hell away from me. You are NOT my father. You. Are. NOTHING." My heart was beating out of my chest. I didn't realize how much I really cared about my father. The years had really dimmed all of my emotions. Except for rage, that never left.

He turned away from me, "I see you need some time. You'll come around. I know you will." Although, I don't think it was me he was trying to convince. He called in the guards, "Take her to her respective quarters."

I expected to be taken back to my cell, but to my surprise, I was taken to a lavish room with a ten inch steel door. Figures. I'm still a prisoner, it's just now I'm a prisoner that mattered. They did take my cuffs off though. 

They shoved me in, and I was helped up by a young girl, maybe 14, 15? 

"And who are you?"

"Your slave, miss."

"What do you mean slave?"

"I was captured by the rogue pack, and they gave me two choices, either be their prisoner, or commit suicide then and there. Back then, it was an easy choice. Now, I would do anything to take it back while I still had the chance." I understood. Rogues would do anything to torment someone, even resuscitate them.

I had finally gotten a good look at her. She looked severely underfed and malnourished. Her eyes were sunken in. 

"What have they done to you?"

"Everything you're thinking right now," she paused, then amended, "miss."

I nodded, "So, do you have a name?"

"Amara, miss."

"Okay, Amara. Can you please get me something to eat?" She got one of those looks that you can't quite read, and turned to go, "Wait."

"Yes, miss."

I couldn't handle the formality. I was a wolf that hadn't had a proper night's sleep or meal in years, because I didn't matter anymore. Because I was nothing. "Please don't call me 'miss', my name is Emma."

"Yes,", she faltered, "Emma."

She left and returned a few minutes later with a steak on a solid oak tray. She put it down in front of me on the bed.

I stood up and began to walk to the door, "You aren't going to eat it?" She looked surprised, almost exasperated.

"No, I'm not. You are. You need it more than me. I am going to see my 'father'."

She looked close to tears. "Thank you, Emma. But if you don't mind me asking, why are you doing this for me? Why does it seem like you understand what's happening?"

I smiled at her, a sad smile, "Isn't it obvious? I understand you, because years ago, I was you."

I turned back toward the door, and exhaled dramatically, "Welp..." I rammed my fist into the door. I barely got a groan from the door, but my knuckles were screaming.

"Damn, that hurts." I punched twice near the hinges, and kicked it square in the middle. The door gave and fell. I walked over it, and in front of the guards. 

I held my arms out, "I surrender. Now, take me to the boss man."

"Mmhmm," a guard whimpered. Awww, is someone scared. They cuffed me and led me through the halls. 

They knocked softly on the imposter's door. Huh? "What the hell are you doing? Uh-uh. You'll never get his attention that way, dipshit. Watch and learn." I cleared my throat, "Hey, dickface, open the damn door!"

My guards' eyes were saucers. I guess that was a little off protocol. Oops. My 'dad' opened the door, and led us inside. "Back so soon?"

 The guards were shaking. He looked amused, it was understandable, I mean how can a little cuffed wolf scare the shit out of two grown warriors. Simple answer, they're both pussies.

I ripped off my cuffs, and everyone in the room was nervous. Minus the imposter, he just looked surprised. 

"Get out." The guards tripped over their own feet scrambling out the door. 

"Are you serious? You doubt my abilities so much that you give me the two weakest wolves you could find? They're weak, they deserve to die."

"Actually, no. They were two of my best fighters? What exactly did you do to them?"

"To them? Nothing. But, I think what scared them the most was the fact that I busted down a steel door."

He understood, "So, I assume, you believe I'm your father?"

"Yes. I realized that no one would want to parade around as a failure, packless alpha, without actually being him." Yep. That pissed him off, "I am here to ask for your help. There's something I've dedicated my life to, and I don't think I can do it without you."

That softened his features, "Anything. Whatever you want."

"Promise. I won't tell you before you give me your word. Swear on mom."

"Okay, I swear on my mate. Now, what is you want?"

"I want to kill them all. Every single one. They killed mom, the entire pack. I want revenge." 

A thought popped in my head, "Wait. How did you survive?"


Ask me anything.

Book or personal, I don't care.





Not Your Luna (Formerly His Rogue Luna)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu