Chapter 3

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Song: Roses - Benny Blanco & Juice WRLD ft. Brendon Urie


I watch him break down as he sees how I feel for him. I can tell he is confused. He doesn't seem to know what he did. Or rather, WHO he did. I know, I should be a comedian. 

 I stand up with hate in my eyes and speak everything that's on my mind. "I never wanted a mate, but you show up and take me prisoner." 

"Then why I try to accept the fact that I have a mate because thanks to the Moon Goddess I'm stuck with you forever, I find out that he's a manwhore who couldn't stick with one person to save his life. Hell, if I mated with you I would probably get an STD. That's all you are, just a manwhore of a mate."

I am on the verge of tears. He reaches for me, and I fight every instinct in my body. I back away, and with more spite than I knew existed, I spit his name out of my mouth, all the while hoping I never have to see him again. "Stay the hell away from me, Aiden."  

My wolf howls in sadness.

I watched him fall to the ground. Through the mate bond, I knew he was in pain. I had to push my emotions away, or otherwise, I would break down just like my mate. 

I walked out of the room I had been trapped in for far too long. As I had predicted, there were guards, but I was able to convince them to let me leave. Well, sort of. Currently, one of the guards is bleeding out on the floor. I gave the other the choice of stopping me or saving his friend. 

Can you believe he actually hesitated?

I eventually decided to leave, and try to find Jasmine. I didn't necessarily like her, but it gave me an excuse to evade my mate. I shivered in disgust just thinking about him, but my wolf kept putting dirty thoughts about things she wanted to do to and with and him.


I thought. She rolled her eyes, which is really weird considering she was a wolf, and said, "I know you want him too."

At that, I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe, and people were staring at my sudden outburst. I eventually got my breathing back to normal when I heard, "Are you ok?"

I looked up to see a really hot guy,-but not as hot as my mate- smirking. I quickly responded, "It was just something my wolf said."

He shook his head knowingly and extended his hand to me saying, "I'm Marcus."

I shook it and replied, "Emma, I would say it's nice to meet you, but I'm not 100% sure yet."

I raised an eyebrow. He laughed, and it seemed genuine, not forced. I was actually starting to like him, that is until he said, "I'm the beta."

I froze. Damn. I knew that Alpha's and their Beta's were usually best friends because they had to spend so much time together. I had sensed that he wasn't a normal wolf earlier but had ignored it because he had seemed nice enough. I didn't say anything, he didn't either. 

What broke the silence was the very loud rumbling of my stomach. He chuckled a little bit, then offered to show me the kitchen. I nodded, but only because I was starving. As soon as I saw how much food was in the kitchen, I never wanted to leave. I started searching the cabinets for something sugary. 

My search ended when I found Twizzlers and Nutella. I grabbed a spoon and started shoving the Nutella in my mouth because who needs a mate when you have Nutella, I thought to myself. 

 I couldn't hold back the moan when I tasted the delicious ambrosia, it had been so long since I had eaten anything other than raw meat. Marcus just stared at me in amusement, I glared at him and walked out of the kitchen.

Marcus grabbed my arm as I left and began to speak, "You know, you're cute. For a rogue, at least." He laughed a little at his "joke". He stopped when he saw I was unamused. 

"Um, well, anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to hang or something?"

"I would, but I think my darling 'mate' might murder you for it." I made finger quotes in the air. 

"Oh, shit, you're Aiden's mate?" He seemed pretty calm for someone who might die at the hands of his best friend, "Would you mind not telling him that I asked you out?" 

"I would be happy to if it means I never have to lay eyes on that bastard again in my life," I said in a creepily happy manner. "Pity though, you are cute." I booped his nose. 

He blinked in surprise, "Okay, I guess." Obviously, he thought I was weird, "This just got awkward."

Oh, honey, it got awkward the second you decided to lay your nasty ass hands on me instead of letting me leave. "I'm gonna go, nice chat."

I started to walk briskly to my room, staring at my feet as I passed pack members so I wouldn't have to talk to anyone. Especially since they could tell I was a rogue from my scent. 

 I accidentally ran into a group of girls. I tried to walk away, but I got grabbed, YET AGAIN, by someone who wanted something. Luckily I realized it was Jasmine. I'm sort of glad I noticed that before my claws reached her face. 

She then asked if I wanted to go shopping with "the girls". I would've said no if it wasn't able to give me a chance to escape. I hate "shopping" when it isn't stealing. 

So, naturally, I replied with a curt, "Yes", and turned into a random room. I began to come up with a plan while I "shopped" through someone else's clothes. 


I'm sorry if this chapter was boring.



Thanks for reading.


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