Chapter 8

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Song: Happy Now - Kygo ft. Sandro Cavazza


When I arrived at the pack, apparently the dumbasses guarding the border still had no idea who I was. So I fought my way through, suppressing my instinct to kill anyone who was willing to fight me, until someone finally recognized me. 

I was Jackson's beta, Aspen (Jackson is the Alpha). "Jesus. Do you always have to do this? Every fucking time. I don't know why Jack keeps you around."

As you can probably tell, he isn't my number one fan. Probably because I knocked him on his ass the first time we met. He doesn't really like rogues much either. 

"He loves me." I pushed past Aspen and barged into Jackson's office to find him lying naked on top of a girl on his desk. 

I cleared my throat. She jumped up and started dressing, obviously embarrassed. Once she got her bearings, she sniffed the air and growled, "What the hell are you doing here, rogue?"

"Calm your tits. I'm here on an invite. Besides, there's no need to be mean." I faked offense. I looked at Jackson. "Jackie boy, don't be rude. Introduce us."

Bitch growled again, "Jackie boy? Who the hell is she!" He struggled for words, "Uh, Astra, this Emma, she's a friend. Emma, this is my mate, Astra." 

So that's why he's been acting so weird. "Lovely to meet you." I tried to fake sincerity. She returned a glare. 

"As I said on the phone, I need a favor. The rogue pack, I need to know their location, numbers, and allies. I need that information. And I need it now."

I turned to the beta, "Aspen, would you be a dear and get on that?"

"If it will make you leave, I would do anything." Works for me.

"So darling, what do we do now?" He huffed. " I've got it. Let's play a game!"

He looked pissed as hell, "No."

"Oh, don't be a spoilsport. How about never have I ever? Unless you have something to hide?" I turned to Astra, "What do you think ass? That is your name right?" She looked just about as mad as Jack.

I chose whiskey and tequila for the game. I pointed at Astra. "You first."

We all sat down." Uh, never have I ever eaten a pint of ice cream while on a diet." Lame. She took a drink, but Jack and I just sat there. Who even diets anymore? (A/N This isn't my actual opinion).

My turn. "Okay. Never have I ever slept with my cousin." I looked at Jack. I smirked as he quickly raised his glass to his mouth and took a sip. Astra was too busy texting to notice. Everything about her just screamed queen bitch, and I hated it. 

Jack's turn. "Never have I ever betrayed a friend." That comment had me close to shifting as I broke a glass in my hand.

A friend of mine, a rogue, had been wanted by Jack's pack because of killing a few wolves. In exchange for turning him in, I got info on the rogue pack, and an alliance with the pack. His screams of agony from when they tortured him still haunt me. I'm not even sure it was worth it.

I punched him in the face, just as Aspen came back. "I have the shit you--yes! Now we can kick you out!"

I shifted into my wolf form, and they took a step back. I had a huge wolf, one that was even bigger than Jack's.

The size of an Alpha's wolf showed how much power their pack had. Because I was a rogue, and didn't have a pack, that meant how powerful I was. You can probably understand why they were pretty nervous. I have a tendency to scare people shitless.

 I shifted back, not bothering to cover myself, and took the reports from Aspen. "Get me some clothes, will you?" Aspen sighed and stomped off to fulfill my request, mumbling something about how lousy Jack's taste in women are. Isn't he so sweet!

So once I was fully dressed I got the papers Aspen had brought and the tequila. There's no way I'm dealing with this shit sober. 

I wasn't even tipsy, but I could already feel three sets of eyes staring me down. What's a girl got to do to catch a break? I looked up and faced the person I deemed the angriest. "Can I help you?" I asked, giving her a chance to challenge me.

She didn't speak. Well, that's not nice. "You know it's rude to ignore people. Not that I care or anything, but whoever taught you manners needs to be fired. I'm no threat to you. It's not like I'm gonna take Jack from you or anything. You can have him, he's not worth it."

I heard a very exaggerated gasp come from across the room. I turned. The surprise turned to a glare. Why is everyone always so moody? Jesus.

Jack got up and started toward me. Great. A lovely show of toxic masculinity. Exactly what I needed. 

"Ooooh, shit just got real," came an annoying voice from across the room.

"Shut up!" The three of us said simultaneously.

"Jinx." I rolled my eyes. Astra just had to choose this moment to act like a toddler. Not like she didn't all the rest of the time though.

"Whatever. Y'all just need to get your shit together. And while you're at it, get a therapist that can help you work through all your issues."

I finished reading the reports. "Atlanta. They're down by Atlanta."

"That's 700 miles away."

"True. And I intend to get there by tonight."

"It's 4:00 already. How are you planning on doing that?"

"It's simple." I leaned back more in my chair, "You do have a lovely collection of very fast cars, don't you?" 


"Well, I'm taking one."

"Which one?" 

"Isn't it obvious?" I yawned. The male stupidity in this room was overwhelming, "The fastest one."

"And why the hell would he give it to you?" Astra rudely questioned. 

"Well, it's either I take the car, or I kill him and take all the cars. But I'll also get the entire pack. And where would that leave you? Oh, that's right. A weak, titleless, mateless rogue." I clapped my hands together. "Spit spot darling."

Aspen sauntered off to do my bidding. Poor thing. This is probably way above his pay grade. He's practically useless. 

"I had the car pulled up." It was a beautiful black 2019 Lamborghini Aventador. 

Astra was screaming at Jack when I jumped in the car. "Why the fuck would you let her walk all over you? I loved that car." She started to cry, and Jack just stood there not knowing how to help her. I simply wanted to laugh at her. 

"Oh, you stupid girl. Do you never listen? Like I said before, he loves me." I shrugged and patted the car, "And I can assure you, I'll love it more than you ever could. Bye whores." And with that, I sped off.


Hey, thanks for staying with me. I get that my writing has been pretty shitty lately, but that just makes me love you all more.





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