35. The Return of a Ghost

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~~~~Itachi's POV~~~~

My sharingan eyes focused on the scene that lay before Kisame and I as we arrived back at the inn. The tip was a set up as I had suspected, but I didn't anticipate for this to happen. Even with the pitch black night sky, we could still see the smoke billowing into the air long before we even arrived, and instinctively I knew something was very wrong. At first I thought she was in danger, but looking upon the fiery chaos, I realized that perhaps it was the town itself that was in danger.

"What the hell happened?" Kisame exclaimed in disbelief as he stared at the small one story inn that was now overtaken by flames.

Akira had happened.

At the front of the inn, the owner, along with a dozen or so people stood at a safe distance, having escaped the fire and now looked on in horror as the building burned. I ran along side of the burning building, heading towards the center part of the inn that wrapped around the courtyard.

"Hey! Are you insane? Don't go back there!" The inn owner yelled behind Kisame and I.

Kisame was the first to reach the courtyard and what he saw made him stop dead in his tracks. "She's lost it," he muttered, jaw falling in disbelief.

Once next to him, I spotted her, a black small body drowning in what seemed like a fiery field of flames, and behind her burned what used to be our room. Aside from the intense scent of choking, black smoke, I could smell what seemed to be flesh. My heart sunk as I realized what must have happened.

She had to have killed someone...and now that she has, that demon inside of her was only demanding more.

Her screams were muffled by the sound of burning around her, but the agony on her face was undeniable. Around her, her shadow, demon-wolf tails thrashed about violently crashing and cutting through the ground around her, and would probably cut through anything else that entered their range.

My eyes scanned for an opening in the fire around her, and Kisame immediately noticed.

"Wait you're not thinking about going in there and stopping her? She's gone! You even said so yourself, once she's lost it, it would be hard to make her stop!" Growled Kisame, frustrated with what he saw as pure stupidity.

"Yes, hard...but not impossible. I just need to reach her. Talk to her."

Akira's scream, which bordered the form of a demonic growl, cut through the air, "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!"

Kisame glanced from her and back to me with a cold skeptical stare, "Yeah. Good luck talking to that. I've never known you to do things like this. You're always so level headed. Don't let today be the day your feelings get you killed."

My red sharingan eyes slowly faded into my normal black color as I stared back at my partner and then back to her. "She needs me." Such simple, matter-of-fact words, but they seemed to make their point.

"Dammit...fine then, I'll try to make a path for you," Kisame muttered, performing a water jutsu to make an opening for me.

As his water jutsu smothered some of the flames out, I felt my feet begin to move, quickly and carefully making my way through the fires, and before I knew it, there she was, right in front of me. The easiest part had been maneuvering my way through the flames, now the most difficult would be talking her down from this.

I coughed as the smoke invaded my lungs, but kept my steady eyes trained on her. I quickly dodged a demon tail that swung my way and took two more steps closer before realizing that the bottom of my Akatsuki cloak caught fire and I quickly shrugged it off, throwing it off to the side, the fire quickly and greedily consuming it.

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