4. Bell Run

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Today was the day of our test. The day we would see if we would go on to becoming genin...and this man was late again! All four of us, five if you count Kotaro, had been sitting there for atleast 2 hours. 8 o clock sharp my ass! To top it off, I was starving. He said not to eat so I didn't, but now I really wish I had. Just as I heard my stomach growl, Kakashi appeared out of thin air.

"Hi everyone, sorry I'm late, a black cat crossed my path and I had to take a different path here."

Wow, what an excuse...

"You're two hours late!" Sakura yelled.

"Well I'm here now, so how about we get started?" Kakashi took out 3 bells from his pocket dangling them in front of us, "The objective of your test today is for each of you to get one of these bells from me and keep in mind, you will be timed."

"But there's only three bells though...," Sakura said confused.

"Yes. Whichever three of you manage to get a bell, they will go on to become genin. The other person remaining will be sent back to the academy." Kakashi said tying the bells onto a belt loop.

My eyes widened in surprise. Really, someone would have to go back to the academy? It was like he was pitting us against each other.

"Now if there aren't any questions we'll get started," Kakashi said getting ready to start the timer.

Everyone stood ready and as soon as he pressed that timer to start, we scattered. Well, we all scattered except for Naruto. He stood there ready to take Kakashi head on. What an idiot...

But this gave me a chance to watch how Kakashi moved. My brother told me that, if I could, I should study my opponent first. So I watched, with Kotaro watching next to me, as Naruto took on Kakashi, failed, and ended up being poked by Kakashi's thousand years of death jutsu which wasn't pretty to watch.

Next, Kakashi targeted Sakura which ended just how you would expect from her easily tricked mind.

Then, it was Sasuke's turn. He went for a surprise attack but it was hard to surprise a jonin. He was so close, he just grazed the bells, but in the end he found himself burrowed into the ground with only his head sticking out. To me he looked hilarious stuck in the dirt, but when Sakura landed her sights on him, her soul practically left her body as she fainted.

I sighed and looked at Kotaro who huffed unimpressed.

"Yea I know, we're helpless. At least alone we are...," then it hit me. So far everyone has tried to get those bells by themselves. Maybe if we all got together, we'd have a fighting chance. As Sasuke was struggling to get out I jumped out of my tree landing in front of him.

"Need some help?" I asked raising an eyebrow and smiling.

He glared at me, "No I can get out by myself."

I chuckled thinking he sounded like me. "Mhmm...Kotaro can you please give him a hand?"

As Kotaro began to dig Sasuke out, I went over to Sakura and shook her awake.

"C'mom Sakura, you'll get yourself killed if you faint in a real battle."

She woke up and sat up dazed but when her eyes focused on Sasuke with his head connected to his body, she squealed and threw herself on him.

"Oh Sasuke, you're okay!"

"Hey, Sakura cut it out!" Sasuke said standing up and pulling away from her.

"Okay so now that I have you two together, we need to find Naruto." I said trying to remember where I last saw him. I think I saw him last when he was dangling from that tree by his foot.

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