21. The Avenger's Promise

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Hey everyone! So I know that Sasuke's abandoning of the village happens after the mission to the land of tea, but I decided I want it to happen right after he wakes up from Itachi's tsukuyomi just to speed things along. Things will start to get a bit more interesting hopefully. Also this chapter is dedicated to Kuro_Kanaria for voting and commenting on the last chapter. Thank you soooo much for the love! :3

P.S. sorry that this one is a tad bit short. I'll try to update again soon!


Akira's POV:

There was a soft knock on the door that woke me, but I didn't even acknowledge it, merely covering my face with the blankets I was wrapped in. Kotaro opened the door, casually strolling in and taking a good look at what a hermit I had become. 

"I see you're not getting ready to visit Sasuke. That'll make this the third day...Could it be you've given up on him?" He said smirking as he drew back the curtains that kept the sunlight from spilling into the dark room. 

I scowled irritated by his presence, "Of course not...but-but I can't see him." I couldn't see him. Kotaro wouldn't even begin to understand how emotionally draining it was to see him. See Sasuke laying in that hospital bed, showing absolutely no signs of him ever opening his eyes again. 

It's going on three weeks and neither Sasuke nor Kakashi have shown any improvements. I winced slightly as I sat up, rubbing my tired eyes before looking out the window towards the sky. I couldn't help but wonder if Naruto and Jiraiya would ever be back with the person they've been looking for. She's apparently this gifted medical ninja who could fix all of this. Fix Kakashi...Sasuke...even me.

I gently hugged my right arm, that now hung bandaged and in a sling, staring down at it pathetically. The day of our encounter with Itachi and Kisame, my arm had been torn to ribbons. The doctors said there was a chance it would never fully heal.

I felt useless...Damaged. How could I call myself a ninja when I couldn't even swing my sword properly or throw a kunai?

I winced once more, the pain of my arm starting to break through the haze of the drugs. I reluctantly reached over, opening and taking a dose of my pain medication down with a gulp of water.

Sighing I laid back down, closing my eyes, "I'm just going to rest up today." By rest up, I meant stay in Sasuke's room all day until I could sleep no longer.

"Hn, suit yourself," Kotaro said shrugging as he began to leave the room.

My eyes narrowed at him suspicously. Why did I get this feeling he knew something and wasn't telling me? I was going to question him, when I felt the familiar numbing sensation coming on. I hated these meds...they took away the pain, but I lost motivation to do anything else but sleep. I closed my eyes again, figuring I could just ask him about it later. 

~~~Later that night~~~

Sasuke's POV: (sad song time)

Walking in, my apartment was as dark as a starless night sky and for a moment I hoped she wouldn't be here. I stopped just outside my bedroom door, listening for the sound of her soft breathing and sure enough, she was in there. What would I say?

My hand hesitated on the door, before I slowly turned to face the dark void of the living room, eyes searching the dark. I could feel him here, watching me.

"You can come out. There's no point in hiding."

There was the sound of paws patting against the floors as Akira's wolf emerged from the shadows, sitting a few feet across from me. I glared at him knowing the truth by now, "Why don't you show me what you really are?"

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