18. I'm Nothing Like You

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There was the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor that synced with my very own heart beat. It was steady, but most importantly, it existed.

Kakashi had been in here earlier, checking in on us to see how his two students were doing. Yesterday was the first day, in nearly an entire week, that I had actually become conscious. He said I nearly died...the infection was so far along that my body had truly began to shut down. When he got me to the hospital I was already going into shock. It was definitely touch and go there for a while, but the doctors managed to keep me alive long enough for the antibiotics to work its magic.

To think, I was almost taken out by a damn germ. How pathetic.

I turned to stare at Sasuke who lay in the cot next to mine. His face was bandaged, an oxygen mask providing a continuous flow of air as the electrodes on his body kept a constant close eye on his vitals. Never have I felt this mixture of both anger and concern for someone before. I was still pissed about what he had done...but since he wasn't in the best shape himself, all I could think was how I hoped he was okay.

He and Naruto both had made it to the last stage of the chunin exams and were scheduled to fight their opponents in a few weeks. I'm not going to lie, I was jealous. I worked so hard, fought until the brink of death, only to land here in this stupid hospital. So much for the great Akira Uchiha.

A few days later I was released from the hospital, and still he never woke up. Sakura walked into the room just as I retrieved my sword from the closet they stowed it away in. I immediately noticed the boquet of yellow flowers in her arm and smiled.

"Hey Sakura. Are those flowers for me?" I asked playfully, knowing damn well they weren't.

"Hardly, they're for Sasuke," she said coldly, but then her face softened, "but I hope you're feeling better too."

I closed the closet door, "Well I am now, they're letting me go home today."

"That's great, now I can finally visit Sasuke privately," she said with a hint of sass.

I felt a twinge of, I don't know, was it jealousy?

"Like I care. Take all the private time you want." I tried to act casual, but the anger I felt towards Sasuke made my words sound harsh.

"You know you shouldn't be so mad at him! He was just trying to help you!" she snapped at me, catching me off guard. Her voice became quiet and sad, "Be happy he cares enough about you to try..."

"Well if he really cared, he would've let me call my own shots," I whispered. With that I left the hospital, my head swirling with anger. After signing my discharge papers, I headed straight to Sasuke's apartment, hesitating for a moment before walking in. A feeling of emptiness washed over me. I sighed softly, realizing how hallow this apartment felt without Sasuke here.

"Your mind is always on that boy, huh?"

I gasped startled at Kotaro's voice as he appeared seemingly out of no where.

"Wh-What are you doing in here? You're not allowed to be here!" I whispered as if Sasuke himself were in the next room.

"And why not?"

"Maybe because Sasuke hates your guts?" The only reason Kotaro was even able to see me was because he was disguised as my pet. It felt wrong to let him in here when Sasuke did so much to protect me from the human Kotaro. Almost like I was betraying him.

"Why do you care? Last I heard, you hated him," he casually stated as he stretched out on Sasuke's couch.

I bit my lip looking away, remembering what I had screamed at him, in front of all those people, before passing out at the chunin exams. I don't know...the word hate went too far.

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