Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Lucy woke up and immediately recognised the room she was in. The woods outside the giant glass wall, looking as beautiful as it did the last time she was here.

Slowly sitting up she looked around the room checking if she was alone. Satisfied no one else was in there with her she walked over to the glass wall and took in the amazing view. A light drizzle of rain was starting to fall.

As she stared out the window, Lucy let her mind drift to what she had witness today. Hayden is a werewolf and not just any wolf but the black wolf that she has ran into repeatedly. A thought occurring to her. He was the one that saved me from Max in the woods that night and from the red wolf who tried to attack me. I wonder if that was a regular wolf or a wolf like him. This is all just too surreal. How could all this really be real?

A light knock on the bedroom door brought Lucy out of her thought. “UM come in” She spoke softly feeling a little nervous about who that might be at the door. She was not ready to see Hayden yet.

The door opened to who she now knows as Hayden’s mother walked in. The older lady smiled softly at Lucy while she slowly walked over to her.

“Lucy dear how are you feeling?” she asked

Lucy lets out a big breath “To be perfectly honest Mrs Benson I am feeling really confused right now and hell of a lot freaked out”

Hayden’s mother laughed at Lucy’s comment.

“Well then dear I can probably help you with some of the confused bit. By answering any question, you have the best I can. Hayden wanted to be the one to do it but I think after everything you would probably feel more comfortable talking to someone else”

“Thank you. I don’t think I am ready to see him just yet. But if you don’t mind me asking are you a..a..a”

“Werewolf dear?”

“Yeah a werewolf. Are you a werewolf?

“I am. I wasn’t always one though. I was human just like you but then I met Hayden’s farther and discovered his world. We are Mates you see, and when I excepted to be his mate, we went through the mating ritual, which I will explain a bit about later. One of the steps to Mating is being marked by your mate. What they do is they bite a spot on your neck which then leaves a mark so all other wolves know you are his. However, once they bite you with their extended wolf canines’ and it pierces you skin, a virus you could say is injected into your body which then will start to change your DNA from human to a werewolves. So that’s how I became one.

Taking a moment to take all that in. Lucy started to think she had hundreds of questions going through her head. She couldn’t decide which one to ask first. Finally, she just asked the next question that popped into her head.

“You said mate. What exactly does that mean?

“Well each werewolf born or created has a mate. A mate is like there perfect match their missing piece to their soul. I guess you could say a soul mate. Once the werewolf meets, his mate they will never be with another person.”

“How did Hayden become a werewolf?”

“He was born a werewolf sweetie”

Another thought occurred to Lucy “Mrs Benson. Who is Hayden’s Mate?”

Mrs Benson smiled at this question. “You are dear.”

At this news, Lucy walked over to the bed and sat down.

“Oh” was all she could think to say.

Lucy’s stomach started to rumble letting her know just how hungry she was.

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