Chapter 57: Luna vs. Cell 2: Transformation Boogaloo

Depuis le début

"Boop." Cell said boredly, another tail shooting out from the stump where the old one had been as 17 and 18 gasped.

"Yes... Thanks to Uncle Piccolo's cells, an ultimately fruitless effort..." The bug like monster hissed, his new tail swishing behind him as his eyes darted towards the Namekian briefly before returning their attention to Luna. "But if it's any consolation... That hurt like hell."

"Hmpf. My mistake was starting at the wrong end..." Luna replied, narrowing her emerald orbs as she glared at him fiercely. "This time I'll rip off your head..." She growled, surprising everyone as Cell chuckled.

"Heh heh heh... And your second mistake is assuming I'll give you another chance..." He hissed, powering up as a bright yellow aura surrounded him before launching himself forward and punching Luna square in the face, sending her sailing back and skidding across the dirt as she tried to recover.

Cell chased after her, smirking as he jumped up, going in for the kill as Luna raised one hand.

"HAAA!" She shouted, a huge beam of energy knocking Cell back as the Acaiian went on the offensive again. The purple haired woman jumped up, kicking her opponent back towards the ground before landing on top of him and sending him deep into the Earth below.

"Rrghh... What is happening right now?!" Cell hissed angrily, his voice echoing from inside the small crater as Luna shut her eyes, transforming in a flash before holding her hands up in front of her.

"What?! Now I see a light..." Cell mumbled, looking up in confusion at the fighter inside the silver aura as she glared down at him.

"Walk towards it!" Luna shouted, a massive blast of energy erupting from her palms as the androids and Piccolo jumped back, all of them shielding their eyes while hearing Cell shrieking wildly.


When the smoke finally cleared, Luna was still standing there... But the tiny crater from before was now a huge hole, taking up a good portion of the island as Piccolo wondered how the hell it hadn't been blown to bits already after all the fighting they had been doing on it...

"Oh my god... She actually did it." 18 commented, blinking in surprise as 16 frowned.

"Hey! Green man!" 17 shouted, getting Piccolo's attention briefly as the Namekian tried his best to ignore him. "So who is that chick anyway?" The dark haired fighter questioned, quite curious about the fighter currently battling Cell.


"Ooh, the silent treatment. I see..." 17 taunted, smirking as he held his hands up. "If she's your girlfriend or something, I understand... But if not, she's pretty hot- OW!" 

The younger fighter snapped, glaring at his sister as she lowered her hand while shaking her head. "17, don't be an idiot."

"We need to leave." 16 spoke up, looking at 17 and 18 seriously as everyone glanced his way. "I am not entirely certain that this woman is capable of eliminating Cell..." The red haired android admitted, making Piccolo frown as he went on. "And should he absorb the two of you, he will wreak havoc upon this world."

"Well, yeah..." 17 mumbled, raising one eyebrow as he really thought about it. "But we were gonna do that too..."

"Yes. But I like you." 16 stated, the blonde woman next to him blushing a bit as she grinned.


"Over the last few days I have come to feel a great adoration for this planet..." 16 went on, surprising them all as he seemed somehow, more peaceful. "From it's trees... To it's birds... To it's people... To it's birds... I do not wish to cause any more destruction."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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