(☑ partial edit) Shadow Creature [1/2]

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Unspecified Monster x Genderless Reader

With a tired sigh, the final moving box had been placed on the floor. Your soft, tender fingers ached from the days work of moving boxes up and down stairs and weaving through walkways. It seemed as if most of the house was made of cardboard at this point.

An escape it was, from the firm clasp your parents once had over you. Freedom, at least, a portion of it, had been served to you in the form of an old house. Dirt cheap, and for good reason too because it was cracking at every turn. It was now your home nonetheless.

The walls were a clean polished white, reminding bringing memories of the winter snow that came every Christmas shared with family. The floors were a deep brown, slightly chipped from age, but sturdy with time.

☠ not edited past here ☠

It was still mid-day and you needed a bed to sleep on tonight, so you quickly got to work again.

In the process of moving your newly put together bed to the back wall of the bedroom, you felt a chill go by, making you do a double take.

As you continued to move and push stuff around, the chill continued. Grazing you when you least expected it. At this point you had one third of your bedroom and bathroom put together when it was around seven o'clock.

You suddenly felt the graze on your back again and you turned around and looked up. The AC vent was pointed in your direction.

'That figures that out I guess.' You thought. You found a thin pole of sorts to push it the other direction, so it still gave you cool air for the summer night.

You put on a big sweater and called it a night. You needed your energy for the morning anyway, you had plenty more to do.

For the next few following days, random and odd things would occur. Everything from unopened boxes opening, to kitchen ware moving itself around. It was starting to really bother you around the fifth day.

Luckily, after a week of hard work, and patience, you had completely set up your new place. Everything was perfect. Your TV was centered, and your art supplies was laid out neatly in an office space. It was accomplishing to know that this place was yours.

Around nine o' clock you set off for your fluffy mattress. You laid back and felt your back scrunch by the relief. It wasn't the decorating of the home that gave you a headache, it was the chaos that ensued behind it.

Sometimes you would place items on a shelf or specific area, and then they'd move to another location to be what seemed simultaneously. So you'd then pace around the apartment in search of said item.

Anyway,, it was over now, and you could finally get a good nights sleep..

You woke up abruptly in a cold sweat. You turned your head towards the small digital clock on your nightstand. [2:39 AM] it read. You rubbed your forehead and sat up. An overwhelming feeling of sadness took over in your head.

You got up and made your way to the kitchen where you poured yourself a drink and headed back into your bedroom. Instead of the bed, you walked towards the sliding doors of the balcony that overlooked the city.

You slowly slid it open and leaned against the rail, drink in hand, in thought. You missed them. You missed your family.

Cars honked from below, and the bright city lights made a glow across your soft face. A breeze blew through from the East and you took a sip from the glass.

You hadn't realized actually how far away from your friends and family you actually were until tonight. You missed the homey smell from your old house, and the suburbs that you grew up in.

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