Chapter 16 Something Stupid

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The steves were making good time but it was starting to get dark and we were starting to slow down.
"Keep moving we're almost there!" Red Steve shouted from the front of the line trying to keep our spirits up! Rainbow was trying not to focus on his shaking legs or the pain in his feet, just keep moving he told himself we can rest when we're at the ca-... he didn't get to his thought. He felt that a darkness was shrouding them  the same darkness that he felt before the attack on the camp.
I have to tell red steve!  I started to move up when yellow Steve stopped me. "What are you doing, we're all going to the same place!"
"I need too talk to red steve!" I said as I pull him close and whispered , "we're being fallowed."
He pull back in shock, "WHA-"
"SHHhhhh, just take my place in line."
"Ok, but be very discreet when you tell him what going on!"
"I will!"
After that I quickly made my way up the line and  got to red Steve in no time.
"hey... hey red!"
"What is it and why are you all the way up here your supposed to be protecting the back?!" I was safe to say he wasn't very happy to see me probably because of that fight I got into.
"Ummmmm how do I put this... ummm we have a tail." He look at me, confused . Like he didn't understand what I was trying to say. I sighed and thought to myself he's a good steve but he can take things too literally.
"I mean we're being fallowed!" 
Red Steve hid his shock, He didn't want the others to find to find out and alert there followers that they know!
"What are we going to do?"
"I don't know, I could try to lead them away."
"That a good plan except your still tired from the fight, and you won't be able to out run them all!"
"Well, if you're so smart, what do you suggest!
"I going to do something stupid, and you can't stop me, ok?
"Wait, what are you-"
I tried to get him to stop yelling but he had already made up his mind and ran ahead of us before I could stop him, that kid is going to get himself killed one day I complained to myself. We wait for a few minutes just to make sure that all of our followers had left, I gave the order to keep going.
We all made it to the cave safe and sound.
"Don't worry Rainbow Steve I'm coming!"

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