"I see. And from what I sense from you, your counterpart seems to be a dragon called Grandeeney." Palkia stated. Porlyusica widened her eyes at this. "It seems I'm correct."

Palkia stared at her calculatingly as his eyes were blank, Porlyusica gulped in nervousness at the serious gaze he had.

"Alright then, I'll allow you to stay in this world since you don't seem to hold any malicious intent." Palkia stated. He then began walking off quietly.

"Wait!" Porlyusica called. He turned his head with a frown as the woman looked nervous. "J-Just who are you really?"



"My true identity is usually kept secret, but I'll tell you, though you better keep it a secret." Palkia warned. She quickly nodded her head. "My name is Palkia, the Dragon God of Space."

"What? But you're only myth!" She gasped. It would explain his urgency towards her and his power, but was it really true?

"Myths come from a source, they always do. Now, I better get going."

"Wait, what about your team, who are they?" She wondered. Palkia frowned and sighed at her.

"You're really nosy aren't you?" Palkia deadpanned. He the gave a heavy sigh and shaking his head. "I hope brother doesn't kick my ass for this..."


"Listen. The other 'child' in my team, is my brother. His name is Dialga." Porlyusica widened her eyes at this. "And the other are three other True Gods, along with the rest of Distorted Chaos."

"B-But you seem like enemies, why are you fighting?"

"I will tell you no more! This is a matter of the True Gods, mortals shouldn't pry too deep. Curiosity killed the cat." Palkia scowled. She flinched back at this. "All will be revealed only if me and my brother have no choice."

Palkia then left without saying anything else as Porlyusica had a sweat run down her face as she watched his retreating form.


It is now Day 2 of the Grand Magic Games! Joining us once again is Mr. Yajima and our new special guest, Sorcerer Weekly's Jason!

This is so cool!

Let's get back to the action as our wizards are currently taking on the chariots! This game is about reaching the final goal without falling off!

Alpha Origin were currently at their booth looking through a lacrima screen, it was their companion Regice against Zapdos.

The both of them were far ahead in the lead while trying to pass each other, Regice knew that they needed points to catch up to Distorted Chaos, so he needed to win.

"You met this Porlyusica woman?" Dialga asked his brother.

"Yeah, nothing to worry about. Just sensed she was from another world, Edolas to be exact."

"You could have at leat not revealed us to her..." Dialga sighed. Palkia just shrugged.

"It'll be fine, if she reveals it, then I'll deal with her myself." Palkia assured.

This seems quite simple, right? Well, you'd be wrong! The chariots are constantly moving, but even at a snail's pace, a single faulty move can cost you!

The True Gods (Highschool DxD Fanfic and Multiverse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now