Chp 16: Written and Practical Exams

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We are sitting our first day, of three days, written exams today and its really worrying and suspenseful. I am confident on most of my answers but the ones I'm not confident on are the ones that earn more marks. Eventually, the three out of four most stressful days of the year are over and done with. I'm really anxious on what the practical may be like until lunch. This guy (who Momo says is the guy that was acting weird in the sports festival) purposely bumps into Midoriya's head and start being creepy. Then this ginger haired girl comes and whacks him with her hand against his neck. She apologises for his behaviour and says that his heart is you know... She then says that she heard some upperclassmen say that the final practical will likely be fighting robots like in the entrance exam. I heave a heavy sigh because robots are easy to destroy. Oh I guess they're like the ones we had to fight during the obstacle course in the festival.

After finishing our meals, we head back to our homeroom and tell everyone about the practical. "All right!" Mina and Kaminari shout. "This'll be a cinch!" They say. Those robots we fought in the festival were really easy to destroy because they're just hunks of metal.

When we actually get to the exam grounds, a load of teachers are waiting for us. Are they here to watch us? Are they the judges? Or is something else going on? "We're gonna be fighting robot warriors!" Kaminari shouts. Mina is also really excited for this too. "Uhhh Momo. Mr Aizawa's scarf is moving." I say while pointing at Mr Aizawa. Momo turns to look and when she sees what I'm talking about, her forehead turned blue with fright.

It stops moving and then... pops out Principal Nezu! "For various reasons, the exam will be different starting this time." He explains. Mina and Kaminari go snow white with shock and realisation. Everyone is in shock that Principal Nezu is here and their reactions to him being on Mr Aizawa's scarf are very little to none. They are just surprised he's here. "From now on, we want to focus on person-to-person combat and hero work. Principal Nezu starts," and stress teaching that is actually closer to fighting. So... we'll have you forms of two to fight against one teacher." "Against the teachers...?" Ochaco asks worriedly. How are we supposed to do that? We can't go against pros! Don't tell me All Might is gonna take part I this exam too!

The pairs are already decided based on fighting styles, grades and impersonal relationships. Momo and Todoroki is a team and they're fighting Aizawa. Momo is blushing and is bouncing with excitement. "Also, Bakugo and Midoriya are a team." Aizawa says. They're both shocked and Midoriya looks absolutely horrified. They're opponent is ALL MIGHT. I am so glad that I'm not fighting him.

I'm with Kaminari based on our grades and we're up against Cementoss. We're the 8th match after Koda and Jiro. Me and Kaminari and Mina discuss tactics and decide if we're gonna run away or capture the teacher. "Based on who we're against, I don't think your electricity has any effect on Cementoss and neither does my air. I'm not completely sure on my water though and I only have a limited amount." I say. We watch the first match which includes Cementoss, Kirishima and Sato. Cementoss is using concrete walls to block Kirishima and Sato. "Well if he's doing that then we can just go around the walls or fly over it using my air." I suggest.

We go back after the match and keep discussing what we could do. We think of many situations he might put us through like enclosing us in walls that are trying to kill us (he won't kill us though, so we just lose), he might close us in with him so we don't have a lot of room to fight with or escape. We find many solutions for what to do in these kinds of situations but we decide that we should run away because its way too hard to fight in close with him. We then start discussing what they could do against principal Nezu but we don't know what his quirk is. We ask Momo and she says that he has a quirk called 'High Specs' where he can determine what starts a chain reaction. In other words, he's always one step ahead. I honesty don't have a clue on how they could compete against that.

I come back to the screening room to watch Momo's fight against Mr Aizawa. She's running away from where Todoroki is held by Mr Aizawa's scarf above some sharp objects. She looks so scared and worried. I haven't seen her like this in a loooong time and that's the face she makes when she knows that something is wrong but is unsure of what to do. I turn away to talk to Midoryia and Ochaco about what they would do in this situation. Then I turn back at the screen and there is Todoroki's mountain of ice blocking Mr Aizawa from erasing their quirks. I look to where Momo and Todoroki are and Momo is making something from her chest and Todoroki looks at her then immediately looks away. I have a new kind of respect for him now.

I watch everyone's match and Mina and Kaminari really couldn't do anything against Principle Nezu. His plan was too perfect. I then go to Kaminari afterwards and he is so frustrated with himself. I use this to get him to persevere in the next match, he'll use that determination to make sure he'll win against Cementoss. We try some combo moves and come up with two moves that we are confident will ensure our victory.

We're in the same battle ground as Kirishima and Sato because this is where Cementoss has a higher chance of winning. Plus its fair to Kirishima and Sato.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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