Chp 4: Entrance Exam

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We're halfway through our choreography routine but left it until after today. The UA entrance exam! We left it so I can train hard with Toshinori and Midoriya. It was tough but I think I've increased my quirk potential and my own strength. I meet up with Shimo and Momo at the park to walk to UA. It's only 10 minutes walk from the park to UA.

UA is massive! Momo and Shimo wave to me as I go to the UA exam entrance while they go to the UA entrance exam for recommendations. While walking to the building I see Midoriya trip as he walks to the building. I was about to stop him by using the weeds in between the cracks on the ground. Fortunately a girl stopped him from falling by making him float. I guess that's her quirk.

Everyone is sat in a large hall with a stage at the front. On it is the pro hero Present Mic. Isn't he the one who has his own radio? "EVERYBODY SAY HEY!" He boomed. No one answered... I found it really funny and almost burst out laughing. He's shaking from embarrassment. Kinda feel bad for him.

He tells us that we have to defeat robots and score points to pass the exam. Each robot we defeat gives us more points. The harder the robot, the higher the points. Although the highest points you can get are 3.

This boy with glasses interrupts and says there are 4 robots on the sheet we were given when Present Mic has only said 3. He said something about disgrace on UA but I wasn't paying attention.

Present Mic said that the 4th robot is worth 0 points and he told us to avoid it. If we have to avoid it then doesn't that mean it should be worth higher points or is it for something else? Our exam is in a battle ground and we find out where on the other side of the sheet we were given. I'm in ground Beta.

Outside ground Beta are many other people including Midoriya, that girl who helped him from tripping and the boy with glasses. I went right to the front of the crowd to be the first to get a robot. The doors open and everyone rushes in. I come face to face with a 3 pointer robot.

Our exam is just a simple race using our quirks although I'm not sure how everyone gets in. I think it's the first 20 people or something like that. It could be who has the quickest time.

Me, Momo and everyone else who got through recommendations are all lined up at the start line. From here it looks like the finish line is 200 metres away. I'm just gonna control the air to push me fast across the finish line and make the air stop anyone who's in front of me until I get passed them. Momo told me that she is gonna make rocket powered roller skates to get to the finish line.

The whistle blows and the air pushes me towards the finish line. Momo is behind me in 4th place. In front of me is someone using a whirlwind to get to the finish line and next to him is a boy sliding on his ice towards the finish line. I use my right arm on both of them to make them stop for a second but they both cast it aside! They must be really strong.

I came third while Momo came fourth. The whirlwind guy came first by a hair. The ice guy has a cold look in his eyes. "Momo you see that guy there with the white and red hair. I feel like I've seen him before. Do you remember him?" I asked.  "No I don't although I saw a lady with the same hair colour scheme at your last ballet show." She replied. This will be bugging me forever. I was about to go ask him if I've seem him somewhere but he's already gone.

"How do you think Mai did?" Momo asked. "Hopefully amazing. She'll be fine." I replied.

Everyone is running in one direction. Away from the massive robot. The 0 pointer. "There's someone trapped!" I scream. It's that girl who helped Midoriya. I keep running until everyone stops. I turn to see what they're looking at and it's Midoriya punching the massive robot. We're all in shock when it falls to the ground then everyone goes to find more robots. Me and the guy with glasses stay to see Midoriya falling to the ground with all his limbs apart from his left arm broken. How is he gonna get to the ground without dying?!

SMACK! The girl who was trapped smacks Midoriya and makes him float (again) before he hits the ground. She then puts her fingers together and said release. Midoriya then drops to the ground.

That's when the exam stopped and an old lady came and put Midoriya on a stretcher and carries him somewhere to be healed. "Hi what's your name?" The girl asked. "My name's Maiko Tanaki, Mai for short. What's yours?" I asked. "My name is Ochaco Uraraka." She said. "I hope I got in. I think I destroyed 10 or more robots." She said. I just realised... I ONLY DESTROYED 5! Now I'll never get to go to UA. "I really hope I get in Uraraka. I didn't destroy that much robots. Only 2, 3 pointers and the rest are 1 pointers." I said. "Oh. Well I think you'll be fine." Uraraka said. She didn't sound confident when she said that.

After the exam ended I met up with Shimo and Momo outside UA. They both happily greet me and asked me how it was. "It was ok. I wasn't able to destroy much robots though. I only destroyed 5. Others destroyed 15 or more." I said.

A small silence broke out until Momo asked," Well there's no way of knowing unless you get the letter right? Anyway your not leaving until after your choreography competition if you didn't get in." "Yeah! That will be a great way to get your mind of UA. You won't need to stress about it if do our routine." Shimo exclaimed. "Alright. I guess it will take my mind off UA." I said. "Great! We'll start tomorrow. We'll do it at my place." Said Shimo. "K see you tomorrow Shimo." I said. "I thought we were walking together Mai." She said. "Umm yeah sorry I want to go alone today." I muttered. Shimo started to tear up "You'll be fine Mai. Don't worry we don't know for sure yet you'll be fine." She said. "I really hope your right Shimo."

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