The sports festival (cont)

16 1 0

During lunch, Mineta and Kaminari come up to us and say that we have to wear cheerleader outfits for a cheer battle. "I didn't hear anything about an event like that though.." Momo says. "You don't have to believe me but we heard from Mr Aizawa." Mineta says. He looks very suspicious... we end up wearing the outfits because Momo went through all the trouble to make them.

~~~~after lunch~~~~

"MINETA YOU TRICKED US." Momo yells. He and Kaminari giggle so I slam both of them into the ground. "It's fine lets do it!" Hagakure says excitedly. Ehhhhh? Well I might as well dance and I don't want these outfits to go to waste since Momo made them.

We gather around the stage and before the 16 people in the one on one matches draw lots, Ojiro withdraws!! Since his pride is damaged because he can't remember anything he did in the cavalry battle and that he wanted to show everyone what he's capable of. It gets real deep until he asks why we're in cheerleader outfits. The girls then look down and gulp

That meant that a few people had to move up into the matches. I was one of them with Tetsutetsu too. The others took part in the recreational games since this is a sports festival. I couldn't see who I am against in time for the first match so I joined in some of the recreational games until I thought about strategies.

The first match has started and Midoriya is against Shinso. Shinso's quirk is brainwashing and told Midoriya to walk out of bounds. Midoriya gets to the edge of the stage but at the last second there's an explosion where he stands. He's able to move freely now and goes to battle Shinso. He doesn't talk though, that must be what triggers the brainwashing. In the end Midoriya wins.

Todoroki's match just started and Sero uses his tape to bind him to throw him out of bounds. Todoroki doesn't look like he's gonna move but then he freezes his feet to the ground and creates an enormous mountain of ice that completely stops Sero in his tracks. It is way too big that it was just inches from where we're sitting and went over the stadium... The crowd kept saying 'don't worry!' man there are pretty nice people in this crowd.

Now its my turn.
I'm against Kaminari and he asks me if I want to grab a bite to eat when the tournament is over. I look confused because he said he'll comfort me. "Cause this match'll be over in a second!" He shouts. Ahh he's the cocky guy. He discharges his 1.3 million volts attack and before he unleashes it I pour some water on the ground and then rise high into the air. The water completely shocks him so much he couldn't move. I then land and drag him out of bounds. It really was over in an instant.

I head back to our seats and the first thing I hear is Midoriya muttering again... I sit next to Momo and she tells me about this guy being weird and freaky in the next stall and then he disappeared and a girl apologised for his behaviour. The next match is Iida and Hatsume. The poor guy is being used for her presentation. At least she stepped out of bounds in the end.

After that is Ashido vs Aoyama. This will be a very quick match since Aoyama can't use his laser too much. Aaaaand I'm right. Ashido won. Momo's already down at the stage and she's against Tokoyami. She should be alright.

Boy I was so wrong. Momo what happened?! All she was able to do was create a shield. With only a few attacks, she was out of bounds. When she came up, some tears fell so we go to the restroom. She rants and rants about how she could have done better. I comfort her and say that she was too busy looking where Tokoyami was attacking so she couldn't have enough time to think.

We come back and see Uraraka on the ground in defeat. Come on you can do it! She tries to crawl towards Bakugo but... she fainted. "What happened?!" I ask Jiro. She explains what happened in the match and how Uraraka almost got him by making rocks fall on him but he blasted them all. She also tells us about how Kirishima and Tetsutetsu knocked each other out and that it was a draw. Their tiebreaker is starting now in their arm wrestle hadn't moved one inch. At one point Tetsutetsu's metal fatigue snapped and Kirishima won.

Midoriya and Todoroki are up next. This fight will be intense. I go to but some snacks using Momo's money (where does she keep all this??) and come back to Todoroki using his flames. Uhh how much did I miss. I share the snacks with Momo and she kept me up to date with what happened. I was right again.. this is really intense. Midoriya's arm and hands are all messed up and broken. Todoroki finishes the match using his ice and flames against Midoriya and wins.

I'm up against Iida now, and I block the air from coming out of his legs before he does anything. I let them be some holes though so it won't explode. He planned to use his recripoburst but that backfired so while he hesitates I use the air to try and get him out of bounds but he used his engines to get back on to the stage. He tries to run but his engines are damaged from when I blocked it. He then just starts running normally after me and dodges all of my distant attacks and is able to get a punch. I then use both my arms at the same time and that got him away from me. I then fly up and come down like a torpedo with blunt pointed air protecting me. I crash blunt point on to Iida and he is knocked out.

(BNHA fanfic) Dancing has its quirksWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt