Chp 2: Training

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The picture is Mai. Enjoy💜

Me and Shimo's dance off is turning out great so far. I added some acrobatics she did some gymnastics, I did a leap and she did a flip, both of us did contortionism and ended it with our routine to the song Just Dance by Lady Gaga. What a coincidence.

Everyone is loving it. Even the popular girls and boys. At the end we all just danced until our parents picked us up. Us three rode in Momo's limo to our houses. We agreed that they would all help train me to be the strongest to pass the entrance exam.

When I got home I take off my clothes and my makeup and change into my pyjamas. Mum calls me down to watch a movie called Crazy Rich Asians. It was so good and reminded me of Momo.

My certificate is framed and hanged on the wall next to my ballet achievements and UA recommendations letter. We have a family night and then we all go upstairs and I go on my phone. I text Momo and Mai about training. We agreed to go tomorrow to the park before lunch and train for 2 hours then go to Gong Cha and get some lunch in McDonalds.

Momo said it wasn't healthy after training. So I texted that we'll also get a salad. We all went offline after that and I watched some funny videos and dance videos. Ooh that reminds me. I need to think of a routine for the next choreography competition and pick out an outfit.

There are 4 stages to this choreography competition. People audition for the 100 spots in the competition and when they've been chosen we move onto the actual competition. 100 people/groups fight for the 8 spots! This is unfair but whoever gets those 8 spots are recommended to the top 5 dance schools in Japan so that's why everyone has to be creative and have perfect technique.

Then those 8 people compete for the 4 spots! This is the semi-finals now and they can't use quirks to see if they can pull an amazing performance without using their quirks. The two competing against each other in the finals have to use their creativity, quirks and technique to their full potential. The winner gets 5000 yen and is the best dancer of the year. Did I mention this is between every grade in the school? If someone in grade 1 wins that means they are the better than those in grade 8 ballet. I'm in grade 4 and will be taking my exam after the summer holidays into grade 5.

The next day

"Guys where are you I'm at the park already?" I said into the call. "Uhh me and Mai are racing so we'll be there in a minute. HEY MAI WHOEVER LOSES DRINKS WATER FROM THE LAKE!" "OH SHIMO YOUR ON!" Mai shouted. "Guys that is unhygienic!" I shouted into the phone. Other people are looking at me. Oops that was a bit loud. "Don't worry Momo if she loses then I'll give her clean water." Shimo whispered into the phone.

2 minutes later

"Finally! Took ya long enough." I said. "Sorry Shimo was being mugged." Mai said. "Are you sure? It took you 2 minutes to get here after the call and you got mugged and escaped in that time??" I asked. "Yeah. See he's over there trying to get out of Mai's branches." Shimo said pointing across the street. "Did you at least call the police?" I asked. They both looked at each other and itched the back of their heads, " I knew we were forgetting something...hehe." Mai said. "Oopsie." Shimo said. I headsmacked and pulled out my phone and dialled 911. I said someone was mugged and they are sending an officer to come collect him. They asked if he was secure and I said yes.

After the call we then walked across to the other street and were waiting next to the mugger. "So... this is kinda training. You took someone down and restrained them." I said. "Thats true. After this we'll go to the park and train." Mai said. "What's your quirk?" Shimo asked the mugger. "I can shrink and grow larger." He replied. "Not bad." I said.

When the police arrived most of the branches were off him without us noticing and almost got away if Mai and me stopped him. I used the air from my left arm to sweep him from his feet and trap him in a bubble of air and bring him towards us while Mai got some nearby sticks,made them thicker and longer and made them wrap around the mugger just in time for the officer arrive. We carried him into the car and waved them off goodbye.

We then walked to the park and she trained with all sorts of nature. From a speck of wood growing to a tree and trying to control a robin. She could only tell it to land on her finger then it flew off. "It's a shame you can only control tamed animals. Although you can say commands to it even without a quirk." Momo said. "Right. Ok great pep talk." Mai said. Momo realised what she said. "Why don't we go to the beach and help clean up the trash. That could help your muscles." Momo suggested. "Good idea let's go. Plus I can train there too. Oh and good save." I whisepered the last part and we went to the beach.

There is so much rubbish on this beach so we started small with the tools and bolts and worked up our way to large steel sheets. While taking a break on the sand we saw a skinny boy with green hair doing laps in the sea. We looked a little further and saw ALL MIGHT! We went up to him to get pictures and afterwards we decided to go swimming too.

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