The sports festival finale

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Bakugo and Tokoyami was a bad match up since Dark Shadow is weak to light like Bakugo's explosion. I felt sorry for him. I'm up against Todoroki now in the semi finals.

I'm actually really nervous because I know what he's capable of and he might use his left arm this time. My water doesn't have a lot of effect on him since he can just freeze it. We start the match and he lets me make the first move. I start walking towards him and launch some water at him. He freezes it and it drops to the ground. While he froze it I emit a small droplet from my body and send it hurtling towards him after the ice drops. He doesn't freeze it because its just a water drop but I start expanding the drop when its an inch away from his face. Its not a lot but was enough to make him stumble backwards. I use that to trip him up and pin him down.

I forgot he could freeze the ground. Now I'm stuck to the floor again. Using the air I try and push him away from me to let the ice melt but it isn't strong enough. He's getting nearer and nearer and I use my water but he freezes it. He gets closer and I'm panicking and throwing all my moves. He grabs my arm, looks at me and says, "You've gotten much more reckless." And then punches me down to the ground.

I wake up in the nurse's office with Momo at my side and she was saying how great I was. I start tearing up because Todoroki was right. I am getting more reckless, I need to think more strategically from now on. I tried that but he was just too strong. I even sparred with him before the festival and nothing worked. I cry in Momo's arms and she comforts me like I did to her.

I wipe my tears and hear the sound of cheering and All Might laughing. The awards ceremony!Me and Momo rush outside to greet the others in front of the stage. "Oh dear... what happened to Bakugo?" I ask. He doesn't accept how he won and they had to restrain him." Uraraka replies. "I can see that. That may be a bit much." I say. All Might jumps in and awards Tokoyami with bronze and Todoroki with silver. When he got to Bakugo he took off the mask and awarded him. Well he tried to..

Midnight then spots me and says that I'm third place too. Huh I am?? So everyone starts gesturing me towards the podium and then start clapping. I'm so embarrassed. All Might gives me a bronze medal and embraces me in a hug. Wow, hugged by the number one hero!!! He gives me some advice that I should calm down and think about what to do if I'm in a situation like that again.

We don't have any school for the next two days so me and Momo rest on the first day and have a day out on the second. So many people are staring at us and saying what great quirks we have. Great we have so much attention. I always have to hide behind Momo now because I'm always so afraid.

In school everyone is talking about what happened to them and how they were recognised. Mr Aizawa then comes in and he doesn't have his bandages anymore. He tells us that we still have something important to do in class today. I hope its not reviewing the sports festival and giving a lecture on what we all need to improve on. "Code names." Mr Aizawa says.

"THATS A SUPER EXCITING SCHOOL ACTIVITY!" We all shout. Mr Aizawa then gets all scary and we shut up. I love how we love normal hero classes since we have to much drama going on. "These names will stick to you until you leave this school. You can change it a few times before its permanent." Aizawa tiredly says. "Or you'll regret it later!" Another voice comes in. Its Midnight!! Minet-ugh is being an annoying piece of scum again. She's gonna be helping us choose our names and see if they're appropriate.

Oh no. We're presenting these... I am gonna turn into a tomato when I go up in front. The first one who goes up is Aoyama. "I can not stop twinkling!" He announces. Everyone goes white with shock because its a sentence! Midnight says," If you take out the 'I' and the 'not' you can keep it as 'can't stop twinkling'." Wait thats allowed?! Ashido then goes up and her name is 'alien queen'. That's a bit freaky... She goes back to rethink her name while everyone else goes up. I like Jiro's 'Earphone Jack' and Kaminari's 'chargebolt'. Those two are my favourites. I have no clue and almost everyone has said their's. "Momo which do you think is better? The dancing tempest. Or Tempesta? Or Hydrobreeze?" "Definitely Tempesta." Momo replies.

I write it down on the whiteboard and timidly walk to the front. "U-um.. I-I would l-like to be c-called T-t-temp... oh its on the board." I stutter while hiding my face behind the board and I show everyone. "Ooh that's nice. I like it." Midnight says. I let out a rather large sigh and the class smiles and put their thumbs up. I run on my tip toes to my seat and let all my relief out.

Todoroki's, Midoriya's and Iida's hero names are just their normal names. Apart from Midoriya's which is Deku. He's told me that Bakugo says that name to make fun of him. Is he sure he wants the whole world to call him that? He explains that someone changed the meaning of it. He must be really close to that person that changed it.

Bakugo's name is still no good because it includes murder and many people will definitely get the wrong idea. We all finish the code names and then Mr Aizawa talks to us about internships with pro heroes. Some people from the sports festival got wanted by pros and those who didn't get to choose from 40 different agencies. I got 50 offers and I'm really surprised. Momo sighs because she has 68 and then says to Todoroki," Your amazing Todoroki." I give her the thumbs up and she looks away because she's blushing so much.

(BNHA fanfic) Dancing has its quirksOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant