Chp:5 Letters arrive

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It's been a week since the entrance exams and the letters arrived this morning. Mum and dad gave it to me after I came back from Mai's house from rehearsal and I was so happy that morning because I got in!

Right now I'm no my bed and texting Momo and Mai.

Momo: anything arrive in the mail?
Me: yh just a few letters
Mai: same but they're all for the bills. Im guessing they came today didnt they
Me: wut do ya mean😅
Mai: u know wut i mean. UA sent them. Well guess wut...
Momo: wut
Mai: going... to...shiketsu highschool
*Mai went offline*

No way. She's really going. I hope she'll be ok. Oh wait she can still come to the choreography competition!!


"Mai where are you. We need to be there in 15 minutes." "I know I know I'm almost there." Mai replied. She needs to get here so we can go to the competition. I'm in LOVE with these outfits Momo picked out for us. Both me and Mai love the colour and the height of the dress. To avoid it getting dirty we're taking my car because Mai's dad is working after he drops Mai off to my house and her mum can't drive.

I keep playing with the skirt until Mai arrive

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I keep playing with the skirt until Mai arrive. Running towards my car to get in, as soon as the door shut we sped onto the road. "Ok so we have 10 minutes to get there. That's alright." I say.

Somehow we made it in time but only just. We're about to be escorted to our room when Momo comes. "Thank goodness you made it in time. I thought you'd forgotten." She says. "I know right. K see ya Momo we need to go now. See you on stage." I said. "I know you'll do great guys." She waved.

Its not a large room but I think we're fine. There's two dressers on the side for makeup and a screen so we can watch other people on the stage. Ooh and a sofa. "Not bad. Oh I forgot I brought snacks." Mai said while pulling out crisps, popcorn and some gum. We went outside to look at the order of participants and we are second! "Oh boy we need to rehearse for our first dance now. We need to get in one of those 8 spots!" I said.

We head back to our room and did one practise to go over the dancing to remember. Then for the second practise we add our quirks. I lift me and Mai off the ground slightly and we do some contortion. After that practise we added some technique to make it perfect.

Thankfully we finished rehearsing and now we relax while watching the first act and eating popcorn. It was a group of three with one having a fire quirk, one having a metal quirk and another having a lightning quirk. They lit up the stage and was really exciting.

A member of staff comes in our room and says to come with him to the stage. We follow him and the trio onstage just finishes their act with a fire dragon!! I feel worried now I hope we come home in at least the top 3.

The curtain is down and we run to our positions on the side of the stage. The annoucer says," Ladies and gentlmen the next act to perform is the duo Mai and Shimo performing to A Thousand Years." The curtain comes up and Mai grows two large sunflowers with the petals closed. We come out of the petals while I use my air quirk to let us get down from the sunflowers as if we were coming down stairs.

I then make large balls of water for me and Mai to match our movements. After they disappear Mai goes to jump off the stage, with some scared staring faces, and I carry her using the air while she leaps in the air. On the stage roses and fluffy dandelions appear which are from Mai and I go and fly round and round the flowers until there are petals surrounding the arena.

We finished the dance and curtsied afterwards. I don't think that we were too bad. In our room we watched the rest of the rounds and then got called out onto the stage to see who is in the top 8. So many people here...

The announcer booms," And now I will read who will be in the 4 spots competing in the semifinals. First... is the THUNDER TRIO!" Roars of cheering erupt from the audience from the people supporting the Trio. The Trio went off the stage in relief. "Next... is the FIVE OF FIRE!" Like last time, the audience erupted with cheers. "The next contestant.... is..." I had to go to the bathroom desperately so I couldn't hear who it was.

I ran back to the stage in time for the last name to be called out. "THE ELEMENTAL DUO." I have realised we should have picked a better name for me and Mai. "SHIMO WE GOT IN I CAN'T BELIEVE IT." Mai squealed. I am bubbling with excitement right now I can't even speak! I grab Mai's hand and run off the stage to practise for our next dance. We have an hour break for rehearsing and seeing our friends and family. Momo went on about how good we were and our parents start taking pictures of us.

After we finished taking pictures, something caught the corner of my eye. "Hey Momo that was the guy from the recommendations exam. Oh that's why he looked familiar! His sister is Ms Todoroki!" I exclaim. "That's why I recognised his hair colours." Momo said. We go up to meet him and when he saw us his eyes were stone cold. We got a bit nervous until Ms Todoroki sees us and praises us. She introduces us to her brother Shouto. He already knows us because his sister forces him to watch the ballet shows we hold.

Ms Todoroki is an assistant teacher here at the dance academy and she's me and Mai's favourite.

Todoroki is still glaring at us. "Don't I know you from somewhere?" He asks me and Momo. "Yeah we were at the recommendations exam as well for UA. I came third and Momo here came fourth." I replied. "Oh yeah you tried to stop me with water. Not bad coming after me." He said. "Thanks. So your quirk is ice? Mine is half water, half air." I said. "Well I also have a half and half quirk. The other side is fire but I never really use it. You don't need to know why." He replied bluntly. Jeez this guy is so rude. "I know what your quirk was anyway. And Mai's. I watched you dance. I'm not a dance expert but I know that your last dance will be hard to top." Maybe he's not so bad after all.

We are then called to be backstage so we waved at them. Momo came with us until backstage," Guys... is it just me.. or do you think he's cute?" Momo asked. "MOMO HAS A CRUSH!!" Me and Mai squealed. "Shhhh not so loud!" Momo replied. And with that we went backstage.

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