Chapter 48: Kami's Hesitation & Another Great Evil

Start from the beginning

"Then what?!" Luna said eagerly, snapping him out of his thoughts as he chuckled.

"Well, we thought you were gone..." He answered seriously, letting out a sigh before remembering who he really had to thank. "Then, one ship showed up on our radar..."

"It must have been Goku!"

Kaito nodded, pulling a cigarette out of his pack as he snapped his fingers in front of the end to light it. "You got it. We figured there was still the smallest chance you could have escaped, so we tracked his ship all the way to Yardrat, then followed him here to Earth. All we found when we arrived was a crater... So we've been here looking for you ever since." He finished, looking down at Luna who seemed to be taking in everything he had just said.

"Wow... I can't believe it..."

"And I never would have found you if it wasn't for whatever this is..." Kaito said in confusion, pulling a tiny piece of plastic out of his pocket before handing it back to his friend.

"My drivers license!" Luna cheered, looking at the small card happily while Kaito raised an eyebrow. "I'll explain later..." She laughed, looking around excitedly before finally spotting the huge temple up ahead.

"Come on." Kaito chuckled, knowing their princess was excited to see the others as they made their way up the stone path.


Back with Gohan and the others...


Chi Chi and Gohan worked on his studies, Goku actually sleeping soundly for once as everyone else was absorbed in their own thoughts until the plane's phone suddenly started ringing...

"What is that?" Trunks asked in confusion, hearing the strange music that was playing from the speakers as everyone looked at him in surprise.

"What is what?" Yamcha questioned, not sure of what he meant.

"This music..." Trunks trailed off, continuing to listen to the song as Krillin raised an eyebrow.

"You mean country music?"

"Oh! This is country music?" Trunks replied, finally understanding what his mother was talking about."What, you don't have country in the future?" Krillin asked, wondering why that of all things would be affected so greatly.

"No... Shortly after I was born it all just... Vanished..." The Saiyan explained, looking down as he thought back on all the things the people in his timeline had learned to live without. "Nobody knows exactly what happened..."

"So someone wanna get that?" Yamcha said, glancing back at them all briefly before returning his attention to the skies in front of him. "Kinda flying the plane..."

"Aw, fine..." Krillin mumbled, jumping into the passenger seat before pressing the button to answer the call. "Krillin speak-"

"Shut up I've got some important news..." Bulma said quickly, cutting the bald fighter off before he had time to finish his sentence."Good or bad news?""It depends... Is Trunks there?" She asked worriedly, sitting down as she glanced at the baby that was sleeping in the crib across from her.

"He's right behind me..." Krillin answered, wondering what was up as he pressed the button to put her on speaker phone. "You're on speaker so go ahead and say whatever you need to tell him."

"Well, I just got the strangest call from some farmer in the countryside fifty miles out of Ginger Town..." The blue haired scientist said curiously, looking at the picture in her hands as she wondered herself what was going on. "He said he found one of our vehicles out there..."

"Wow this is so interesting..." Krillin said sarcastically, sincerely hoping this wasn't one more problem on the list of things they had to worry about. "Does it have anything to do with the androids we're fighting?"

"Shut up and it might." Bulma hissed, walking over to her desk as she placed the picture in her fax machine. "I'm faxing over the picture he took..."

"You have a fax machine?" Krillin asked, surprised anyone still used those as Trunks seemed confused as well.

"What's a fax machine?"

"Ya see that one makes sense-"

"Just shut up and show it to Trunks!" Bulma said, her tone irritated as she waited for them to tell her whether or not the ship in the picture was his.

"W-what?" Trunks said in shock, grabbing the photo out of Krillin's hand as he took a better look at it. "No... This can't be right... This is my time machine..." He said, not believing the words coming out of his own mouth as he looked at the one in the photo that was obviously very aged and damaged. "How is this possible?!"

"Maybe you missplaced it?" Krillin suggested, watching as the purple haired Saiyan looked up at him with a frown.

"That's impossible... I put it away in it's capsule!"

"Are you sure?" Gohan asked, all of them knowing very well it was easy to make a mistake.

"Of course I'm sure!" Trunks said confidently, pulling his case of capsules out of his pocket as he opened it up before finding the one that contained his time machine. "Here just let me show you..." He said quickly, clicking the unlock button as everyone looked at him with wide eyes.


"Oh no..."

"Oh my god!" Krillin shouted, Chi Chi's screaming filling everyone's ears as the plane tilted heavily to one side. "It's on top of Goku!"


"Put it back! Put it back! Put it back!"

"Aaaaahhhhh! Aaaahhhghhhhh!" Goku wailed, Yamcha sighing from the front seat of the plane as he struggled to even them out before they crashed.

"Oh good, that's back..."

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