Chapter 45: A Defeat & New Options

Start from the beginning

"Then we really are out of luck..." Tien said, his tone desperate as he turned around to glance at Piccolo and the others. "What should we do?"

"You guys go to Goku's and move him some place safe... He'll be able to join you once he's well." Piccolo explained, looking at them all seriously as his tone grew more ominous. "It's obvious that we're going to need all the help we can get to defeat these androids..."

"Good idea-"

"But Piccolo..." Luna interrupted, cutting Krillin off as she raised an eyebrow in his direction. "What are you going to be doing?"

"Rrgh... I- I don't know..." He answered awkwardly, looking away as he tried to avoid making eye contact with her.

"Come on Piccolo!" Luna pried, taking a step closer to him as she wondered why he was being so stubborn. "You can tell us your plan! We're friends, right?" She finished lightly, smiling up at him as he frowned.

"Listen to me... Stop asking questions!" Piccolo snapped, shouting at her as she looked at him in shock. "It's none of your concern!"

"Wha... Why? Why can't you tell me?!" Luna asked, sounding slightly hurt as she glared up at the larger fighter. "You don't have to do everything by yourself you know! I could help-"

"This is something that I have to do ALONE!" Piccolo shouted, gathering a ball of ki in his hand before blasting it towards where they were all standing.

Everyone dodged the attack easily, more surprised that it had even happened in the first place as they watched their comrade hovering above them for a moment before taking off.

"Piccolo! What do you think you're doing?!" Krillin shouted, wondering what the heck had gotten into everyone all of a sudden. First Vegeta takes off and now Piccolo?! We can't be splitting up like this...

"I'm leaving and anyone who tries to follow me will be sorry!" Piccolo shouted, glaring at each and every one of them before turning around. "Find Goku and forget about me!" He shouted, blasting away as Trunks, Luna, Krillin and Tien watched him go.

"What's with him? Did I miss something here?" Tien asked in confusion, watching as his figure vanished into the distance. "I haven't seen Piccolo act like that since back in the old days when he was trying to destroy Goku and take over the world..."

Luna froze, already shocked enough that Piccolo was leaving for whatever reasons. Did... Did I hear that right? She thought, feeling herself becoming a bit lightheaded suddenly. Piccolo... That's what he meant earlier when he was talking to Dr. Gero...

"It doesn't make sense... Last I heard, Piccolo was fighting on our si- Hey... Luna?" Tien said, looking at the purple haired woman who seemed to be a bit lost in thought. "Uh... You alright?"

"Yeah... I... I just..." Luna mumbled, not sure what to say as she shook her head, suddenly knowing what had to be done. "I'm sorry... We have to go! We have to go get Goku now!" She finished urgently, looking at Krillin as he nodded.

We need to focus on what's important... Luna realized, chastizing herself for letting her selfish problems interfere with what needed to be done. Even if it won't make that much of a difference in the battle, we can't let those monsters get a hold of Goku...

"You're right... Come on!" Krillin said quickly, snapping her out of her thoughts as they all prepared to take off. "And don't worry..." The smaller fighter added, giving her a knowing look as he smirked. "Piccolo's still a good guy... He's just doing whatever he thinks he has to do to win..."

"Wh-what! I know that!" Luna stammered, her cheeks getting a bit red as she frowned at her bald friend. "Besides, how do you even-"

"I'll explain on the way." Krillin replied, jumping into the air as Tien, Trunks and Luna followed after him.

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