Chapter 2

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The schoolbel rang and everyone grabbed their bags to go home. Well almost everyone. Rye needed to go the the office of the schoolmaster, same as Andy. Rye for skipping to many classes and Andy for helping some boy with school.

Andy's pov:
I got an e-mail from the school, i needed to help some random boy with school stuff.
Wasn't really excited I'm not really a social person, people always hate me and I never had a girlfriend or real friends. Except my mom she was everything to me. When i got to the office of the schoolmaster i was the first one, i took place in one of the two chairs opposite from were the schoolmaster was sitting. Even while I always got good grades, and never skipped a single class he didn't really like me either.

Rye's pov:
When the bell rang i walked out of the classroom and started walking to the office of the schoolmaster because i skipped too many classes or something. When I could already see the door of the office a guy ran past me, it was that freak Andy. I actually wanted to get him on the ground with my feet but he was already to far, he probably was in a hurry because his stupid mom made him lunch or something, weirdo. But instead of going to the head door out he went into the office of the director, no way I'm still going to the director. I'm really not in the mood to hear all of his nerdy, geeky stuff. So instead of going to the office I just went home.

Andy's pov:
I looked at the clock and already 20 minutes have past by and the other boy still wasn't in the office.

Schoolmaster: "You can go Andy, thanks for waiting so long I will call his parents and say that their son needs to learn some manners. I'm terribly sorry for wasting your time.

Andy: "It's ok, you can call if I still need to come another day."

I know the chapters aren't long yet but soon they will get longer. :)

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