Chapter 19

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A/N The song on the side really portays how Greg is feeling at the end.

Leo's POV is in A Night at the Lycan House hotel, Part 3

Monday couldn’t come along quick enough; I had my bag packed since Sunday afternoon as soon as I had woken and Joe had been quiet with me since. Of course I had told him I was spending a few days with a friend and I knew that had something to with his attitude, but he had to learn that my life didn’t always revolve around him. Of course I hadn’t spoken to Chelsea yet either or replied to her pleading texts for forgiveness but I would when I got home Wednesday. Leo wanted to pick me up but where I was unsure on what time I would actually finish, I told him I’d make my own way there and in the end we agreed that he’d be outside for 8  o’clock and we’d sit and look over Fairy Land for a while on the way back.

To say I was nervous was an understatement; I had no real idea of what to expect and we were off to Bristol Zoo Tuesday, I hadn’t ever visited a zoo before and I was worried about being in the sun for too long. I did warn him though that I don’t do direct sun light real well explaining that my skin burns easily which isn’t a direct lie. He was going to think of something else to do but I assured him it should be fine and packed to be prepared; long sleeved light clothing, cap and sun glasses. Sun cream was pointless but if I kept my hands in my pockets or tucked up my sleeves that should solve the problem of exposure to my hands; damn my life was difficult sometimes.

6 O’clock finally came and I was allowed to get off work so I headed up stairs to take a long shower and with clothes already picked out I took my time getting dressed before heading to the staffs kitchen where I sat and had a good amount of pre-prepared blood so I was well fed and didn’t have to worry about anything other than the knotting in my stomach and fearing something would go wrong; I hadn’t led any kind of normal life for decades.

I had already texted Leo to tell him I had finished so when he arrived just before 8 I went off in search of Joe to tell him I was going and to say ‘goodbye’. I found him in the kitchen helping to clean up and he just nodded to my words. I did feel slightly awful for leaving so I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek and was thankful when he returned the hug and told me to be careful. ‘I will’ I whispered to him and made my way to the front where Leo was waiting in his car.

The journey wasn’t too bad despite my nerves which were actually settling as the minutes passed and chatting about our day seemed to make me forget about all my fears, so by the time we finally arrived at the spot where we would sit I was actually pretty relaxed.

With my head resting on Leo’s shoulder and his arm resting behind my back I listened to him telling me more about his dad and the places he took him as a child and how he told him about all the local history land marks. He hadn’t take much interest in it at the time finding the places boring but now his dad is gone he misses him and wishes he took more interest because his dad really did love the country side being a country lad himself. It made me think of my family and what they were actually like and what they became.

“I miss my family too” I admitted

“You never talk much about your family” 

“I don’t like to. I kind of just left unexpectedly without saying goodbye. I don’t say because it makes me look like a bad person”

“I bet you had your reasons” he comforted rubbing at my back slightly “Families have problems and I know you’re not a bad person”

I thanked him and nothing was said for a few minutes till I broke the silence deciding I needed to say something

“I had younger siblings, 3 brothers and a sister”

I felt him nod but he didn’t push for anymore and I was grateful. I didn’t get their names, only their ages so I didn’t know what to say and didn’t feel like trying to make something else up. Maybe I should visit Lily again and get more details about my family, or do some research into my time. I am sure records are kept and I could contact someone for information, maybe my disappearance is recorded, but part of me thinks that maybe the less I know, the better it is. I probably have living relatives somewhere but they wouldn’t know of me or the Gregory that vanished one night. I would hold no importance to their lives and they wouldn’t really be close relatives either; I wouldn’t feel any close connection to my siblings.

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