Chapter 18

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I stood in front of the mirror to check my appearance one last time and smiled at the reflection. Chelsea would be upset because I wasn’t wearing the skinny jeans she brought me insisting I should wear them to show off my assets and show Leo what he was missing out on, but in my opinion they were uncomfortable and if he wanted to see them he just needed to ask. Instead I wore my usual light jeans and white long sleeved loose t-shirt with my hair styled over my face. Leo thought I should have it trimmed and show my face off more, but I loved the way he’d move it to the side so I made extra effort to style it down

“You ready” Carlos asked breaking my thoughts

“Yes” I smiled back to him in the door way

“Why do you look so nervous, it’s not as though it’s a first date or anything”

I sighed; I hadn’t had an official date with Leo yet and I wondered how I would feel if it actually happened

“I am just nervous over Chelsea’s reaction to him”

“She’ll be fine” he assured with a smile

I just nodded and followed him down the stairs to his car. I can’t believe today was finally here, Chelsea kept on at me over the past few weeks over meeting him and in the end I gave in and arranged today. Of course I wanted to bring Carlos because not only could he drive us, but he knew Leo already and would be great support for any awkward moments. Three was an uneven number, especially when two didn’t know each other well and although I’d seen Leo a few times recently, I was selfish enough to want more time with him, and not have to worry about focusing my attention elsewhere.

After a quick lecture over my jeans; of course Carlos stuck up for me telling Chelsea ‘it was my body and if I chose not to like them she should respect it’ she spent most of the journey chatting about finally meeting the guy that captured my heart although I insisted he hadn’t done that yet, just my interest and how long it had been since she’d gone bowling, she wasn’t any good and whether we could help her so she didn’t look ridiculous. Luckily traffic was light so the journey wasn’t too long and we could speed through the country roads.

When we finally arrived at the bowling alley Leo was already there waiting outside in his usual casual wear; dark jeans and light t-shirt, similar to what Carlos was wearing although his was tighter to show off his muscle like the Lycan he is. Of course Chelsea was dressed to impress in skinny jeans and low tight top with heavy make-up. I swear she forgot he was gay and wouldn’t pay any attention to her in that way and she knew Carlos was waiting for that special someone. She’d asked if he was a Vampire after I broke it off between us, but it was his job to come clean over what he was, not mine. Carlos shook Leo’s hand in greeting after I gave him the usual peck on the lips with a ‘hi’ and Chelsea embarrassed me by almost squealing in delight practically jumping at him leaving a kiss on his cheek

“So pleased to finally meet you, I can see why Greg is so taken by you, you’re so mature and good looking” she beamed coming back to cuddle into my arm. I noticed as she had her back turned the disgusted look Leo had on his face as he wiped the stickiness off his cheek but was polite enough to smile agreeing on finally meeting her. I just gave him an apologetic look to which he returned with a smile. Now I was dreading the evening and managed to pry Chelsea off my arm.

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