Chapter 7

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A/n. I have seen his face used all over this site and think FranciscoLachowsk is a right cutie, so I see him as Joe.

For the last 100 years I’ve never had anything to live for, nothing to look forward to, living each day just because I had no other choice. Now I had something and it felt weird, it gave me a new lease of life. Yes, it was only a fantasy that someone could be in my life, but it was a good one and I finally had someone to think about after so long.

Although I was supposed to call Chelsea sometime during the day, I just couldn’t wait. As soon as I got back to the Hotel I went into the system to find out what I needed and called her right away. She told me he didn’t live far away, a few hours by car and guided me on the internet to find the company website and his picture faced me on the screen. He looked exactly like I remembered him although he was wearing an old sweatshirt and bright orange hi-vis jacket in the picture and his eyes looked happy, unlike the sad ones I had seen. She was looking too and asked which guy out of the four in the picture was the one, so I told her and she seemed impressed telling me I had good taste in men, even if they were older. I fought back a laugh there; compared to me he was actually really young; more like grandchild age. She also asked for his name because it wasn’t stated on the website ‘Leo’ I said loving the way it sounded on my tongue, in my ears. She offered to do more searching on him to see if he had any social networking sites but I felt it was too much too soon and declined the offer thanking her for her help anyways before hanging up to let her get some sleep. I couldn’t think about rest though so went up to my room which was empty. I had a quick shower and went in search of Joe, I found him at the bar chatting away to a few guests that were still up and decided to join them. They were an odd couple in their forties I guessed who were travelling around the Country before heading back to Denmark and because we’d spent some years there we enjoyed listening to what it was like now as well as their experiences in the UK.

I couldn’t settle that night; I was not only energised from a feed, but the situation with Leo and knowing how close he actually was. Would I actually be able to see him again and get to talk to him? It was all going through my head that when I finally did drift off to sleep it was only a short one because I was woken by Joe tugging at my shoulders telling me I had to wake up. I just growled rolling over to my side pulling the covers over my head

“Greg, it’s almost 2, you have to get up” and tugged at the quilt

After I gave another growl he jumped onto my waist straddling me “Now Gregory” he shouted so close to my ear I could feel his breath “We have a wedding party coming in and their due to arrive in little than half hour”

“Alright, get off” I twisted, sitting up and attempting to remove him from my lap. Deciding I was getting up he shifted to the edge of my bed. I kicked the covers and climbed off heading to the bathroom for my morning routine and getting downstairs just in time for the first guests to arrive.

Of course the day was busy, as the weekend was and Chelsea had left a message for me to call her back which I finally managed to do around 6 that evening. It mostly consisted of me getting a mobile which was something I felt I didn’t need because all my friends were here and she could get hold of me on the work’s phone, but she wasn’t satisfied with that.

‘I am to get you a life away from the Hotel, bring you into the real world and you are to steer me away from my troublesome friends and to do that I need to get hold of you’ she gave as her argument. I couldn’t understand the need but learnt that some females could be so stubborn and you’d never win an argument against them so I surrendered; the reason for her calling I never established because I had to get back to work and help serve up the evening meal.

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