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100 years; a Century, it’s a long time. A lot of things can happen in 100 years, the world can change, technology can grow and you can travel the world, learn different languages and subjects or fall in love if you live that long. Most people would love to live for 100 years and tell tales of their lives, still be healthy and young, but not me.

100 years ago I got my new life, a life I never wanted or asked for. I have lived for a 100 years; 100 miserable years and I still look the same now as back in 1913 and I will still look the same in another 100 years, 1000 even because I generally can’t die, I am immortal and I’ve always hated it. I never wanted to live forever feeding on blood; I never wanted to be a Vampire, a creature that descended from fallen angels and gods which is where our immortality comes from, cursed to feed from lovers for taking them. Vampires were made sterile to prevent reproduction and half breeds, but a way to keep lovers and family was found; the giving of our blood to turn them. Of course the more this done, the weaker the genes become being mixed with the human genes which is where complications come in. Over the millennia’s some Vampire genes aren’t prominent enough, so a human won’t transform properly but I don’t know the details on the complications. As for how the blood works, we carry certain cells that kill others, this is why we need to feed, to replenish what is gone; but I never understood the scientific facts.

The past 100 years have been hell; I’d rather have died and gone to hell than live in this world with this life. But that all changed, well some of it around a year ago. I finally saw someone who grabbed my interest and I took a chance. I fell in love and breathed a new lease of life. Leo Saunders, a man in his mid thirties who lived in a town some miles away, but took a chance on me and became my friend, my lover, my reason for breathing and waking up every day.

I sit here now, next to his hospital bed holding his chilled calloused hand waiting. Waiting for him to wake up and be alright so we can live together for eternity, till death do us part like the marriage vows. We’re never getting married though, we don’t see the point. Because I have no real idea of what my surname is Leo said I could use his, so I will became Gregory Saunders and will carry that name forever.

The past six months have probably been the best of my existence, but also the most worrying. Leo moved to Salisbury on a temporary basis to help open up a new warehouse where he could teach warehouse and storage, choosing to stay with me in the Hotel where he learnt about being a Vampire, living amongst us. Last month he decided that he wanted to be with me for eternity, meaning I would change him. I wasn’t happy about this because I didn’t want him to live the life I hated, but he’d prefer that to the alternative; I die with him. Yes, there are a few certain ways to kill us, not everything is truly eternal.

Of course we had to clear it with the council and after both of us having intensive interviews and counselling, they agreed last week that Leo can change. My blood is strong enough to give a successful change which is good because Leo wanted my blood to be used. This has been done via transfusions with him knocked out so he wouldn’t feel any discomfort or pain while my blood attacks his. All I have to do now is wait, wait for him to wake up and he will be like me; an immortal and we get to spend the rest of eternity together. I am now looking forward to this; I finally have something to live for and I never want to die.

The good thing about our visit here was we’ve been introduced to their research and Leo was keen to test out their medication that should replace the need for blood. I must admit, I like that idea too. It’s a weekly injection and a daily tablet, but he won’t be able to start off like that. Once he wakes up it means he has enough vampire blood in him to kill off any toxins in his body, most the transformation done but he’ll still need more pure blood to pump through his veins for a few more days before he can start weaning himself onto the medication and because he doesn’t want to drink the blood, they’re allowing the blood transfusion to continue. Everyone feels he’ll be of different mind once he wakes up, craving sex too.

01.24 And Leo wakes up, eyes focused and startled.

“Are you alright” my Hungarian accent strong, but English perfect; I haven’t needed to pretend for a while now and it feels good to be free and honest

“Yes” he smiles “everything is so clear and loud”

“I guess you get used to it” and I reach down to claim his mouth.

“Now what” he asks after a long kiss, but still clings onto me.

“We stay here for a month or two like we agreed to test this medication and if it works for us; we head up North to start a new life”

“So it worked, I’m really a Vampire”

“I’d say from the fangs I felt a minute ago, yes and you’re in need of something”

“And what would that be” he questions in amusement, but should already know. If his natural instincts aren’t strong enough yet, he got told what to expect.

“You tell me” I reply, straddling him and taking spot on his growing erection.

“To taste you; literally” and pulls me down, nipping my bottom lip and licking away the blood that surfaced, humming a ‘nice’.

“And I’m going to mark you so every Supernatural in existence knows you’re taken” and in record time, I’m practically stripped of my clothes and under him.

Excitement courses through me because I know what’s about to happen; I’m about to be ravished and claimed.  

 A/N That is the end now :( I so could carry on with this; maybe I will eventually when I finished current works and tasks.

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