Chapter 5

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 *I chose Jon Kortajarena as Leo*

The rest of the week was quiet. I heard from Chelsea who invited me to meet her for lunch at College, but of course I had to refuse. With a large party of guests arriving on Saturday, Friday evening was busy preparing everything for their stay so we couldn’t hit the clubs either that weekend much to my friend’s disappointment.

Quite late on the Friday evening I helped Carlos and the Arcade guy move and set up the machines he brought in the conservatory off the main lounge for tomorrow’s guests entertainment. The said conservatory and lounge were privately hired for their stay and because the guy making the reservations was a business friend of Henry’s he didn’t mind, even offering discounts. When machines were set up we were allowed to test them out, each taking turns on the ski slopes, racing bikes and shooting game, of all which were two players. Also a large tetrus ball, two smaller machines offering simple arcade games and a juke box were set up around the smaller conservatory. I hadn’t ever played on such arcade machines before, so the experience was thrilling, especially the ski-slopes; I really wanted to try this for real.

On the Saturday afternoon when the guests finally arrived, a good 11 of them, we all were introduced to Henry’s friend Ken, a man in his late 50’s who very much had a farmer look. Although he was in the training business now, he used to be a farmer and that is how Henry knew him. Henry introduced Jenny, Joe and I on a personal level with an enthusiasm of a proud father making me blush as he complemented us all. With that all being done I helped Jenny with the booking in and showing them the lounge before directing them to their rooms.

I hadn’t paid much attention to the guests after they had arrived because there wasn’t much to do where the other Conservatory was already prepared for their evening meal and the bar was fully stocked up. Jenny was manning the desk, Carlos was helping in the kitchen which left myself and Joe just standing around till we were needed, giving the odd smile to any passing guests and clearing the trays from the lounge. As Joe went off to the bar to get drinks for Ken and his party, I headed off to the kitchens for a while.

When evening finally came and it was time to serve the party their dinner I noticed them properly for the first time. They were a lively bunch chatting about their work, private lives and generally laughing and teasing each other apart from one. He immediately caught my eye as soon as he sat down; a male who must be in his thirties, average looking with medium brown hair and eyes, average build but was beautiful.

“I’m taking the top end” I immediately announced to Joe before everyone was seated, he just gave me a curious look. It didn’t take long for him to figure it out though, I couldn’t keep my eyes of the guy and was unsure of what side of the table to stand, behind him where I could catch his wonderful scent and hear his wonderful voice as he chatted to his colleagues or where I could look at him face on. Of course I chose the later because I had plenty of opportunity to be behind him when I saw to his meal and refilled his wine glass which was more often than the rest although he was drinking no more than them; I just used it as an excuse to go near him. Never in my life that I could remember had I ever noticed anyone and been attracted to them, felt a sexual desire that wasn’t ignited by a thirst or their arousal.

I was just serving the chubby lady when Ken asked me for my name which confused me because I’d already been introduced to him and he’d used it before on a previous encounter, but maybe the wine he was consuming made him forget, so I reminded him.

“Are you gay Greg” his question shocked me, he just came out with it as though it was a casual thing to say

“What do you mean by gay” I knew what the term meant, but I couldn’t answer it. I’d never thought of myself of any sexuality before and if I was, I didn’t see how it was any of his business if I liked men.

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